*Mike (26) & Brie (25) Married 08.04.2007 *Lydia Jill - 2/10/2011 *Adeline Renae - 2/03/2013

Sunday, February 26, 2012
Happy 1st Birthday, Baby Girl!
Auntie Jill and Uncle Ben were the amazing decorators. They arrived at our house first and put up all the balloons and streamers and picture line! Jill used to work at party city, so she took on the balloons, making sure each bunch was absolutely perfect. And Ben, well he must just have a knack for decorating ;)
My good friend, Crystal made the adorable cake for Lydia's party. It was quite the hit. Not only was it adorable, but it was oh-so-goooood! Coconut and chocolate - Yummmm!!!! Lydia thoroughly enjoyed it as well! At first, she was unsure what it was. I don't think she understood that it was food. Once she tasted the delicious sugar, she knew exactly what to do with it :)
Besides the cake, we had some other goodies! I made red velvet cheese dip, cookie dough dip, brownies cookies and Oreo pops (most ideas found from Pinterest!). Lots of sweets for her first birthday! And the main dish was PIZZA (Papa Murphys)! We has several different toppings to choose from and we blew through 5 pizzas!
We were debating whether or not to open gifts with everyone there because it seemed like Lydia was going to konk out any second! I'm so glad we decided to do a gift opening - Lydia had so much fun! She got the cutest gifts! Our family and friends are the best!!!! Not only did they drive out to Timbuktu to our house for the party, but they came with the most wonderful gifts! We just had the most amazing time! The party turned out to be better than we could have ever imagine!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
On the Mend?
Monday night she comes home with a rash all over her back and torso. Ugh! Now what!?!?! Back to the doctor. Good news! Ear infection is gone, she is having a reaction to the augmentin but isn't allergic; the rash should go away in a couple days. I think she is on the mend. Thank goodness/knock on wood.
Poor baby.
She has been very snugly lately. Anyone that knows Lydia, this is very strange. It has been a very nice change of pace. Except when I drop her off at daycare and she clings to me like an octopus. That has been really hard. She has cried the last two days I have dropped her off. I am really hoping it is only because she hasn't been feeling well.
In some positive news, LYDIA IS ONE ON FRIDAY!!!!! I can't believe it! She is getting so big and it went so fast and I just love her so much! And now, I must go on Pinterest and find some party ideas for Saturday :)
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Teeth + Ears
Apparently, teething and ear infections commonly go hand in hand... Who knew?! Ms. Lydia has been feeling under the weather for about a week now. I thought all was fine after she had a weekend + Monday of rest, but daycare called Tuesday and said her fever was up to 105. Yikes!! I had DH take her to urgent care (I had a patient). The doctor said she is teething and has an ear infection. The two of them apparently frequently occur together, making her fever worse :-\ Poor thing. So she has been on a regimen on ibuprofen and amoxicillin.
DH stayed home with her again yesterday because we he forgot to get a doctor's note. She is back at daycare today. I hope she is doing alright. I miss her so much this week! She has been so cuddly, which is super strange for her. I like it :) I just don't like that she is sick.
Her party is next weekend already! So much to get done! I'm still waiting for her headbands to get here, and I need to put her decal on her onsie. And prepare food. And clean... A lot. Meanwhile I have a crazy week ahead of me! Oi!
Annnd, some pictures!