Monday, December 10, 2012

Dearest Adeline...

How I feel during pregnancy

How I wish I felt during pregnancy
I am 32 weeks pregnant now, and I am soooooooooooooo ready for this pregnancy to be over. Over the last couple weeks, things have gotten so huge and uncomfortable. The comments have started about how I look like I am ready to 'pop.' And about my swollen hands, wrists and face. Eight more weeks of this could possibly kill me. I'm already starting to look at exercise pins on pinterest. My fat-phobia is in full effect. And I hate it. I wish I didn't feel this way and I could embrace pregnancy for all it's worth. It's not like I want to be the angry pregnant woman. I just am.

I want to be able to wear normal clothes. I want to not cringe at every picture I am in. I want to be able to lay on my back. I want to not be hungry all.the.time. I want to be able to exercise without having extreme pain in my pelvis. I want to be able to hold Lydia without her squishing my belly. I want to be able to roll over without cringing in pain. The list could go on and on.

So my dearest Adeline, mama loves you very much and I cannot wait to meet you. If you feel the desire to make your entry into this world a little early, mama would be very greteful.