I always enjoy looking back at pictures and reading about different phases of my life. It amazes me how much things change - how quickly my babies grow, how different my relationships are, how my goals change. It is all so fascinating to me. This might be due, in part, to my short memory ;) It's a good thing I have kept either a journal or a blog since I was in middle school so I can look back at the phases of my life.
I figure since my last post was about maternity leave, I should update some photos of our family of 4!!!!
Adeline at 3.5 weeks old |
Adeline and her Godparents - Jill and Ben |
Me and my "little smooshie" |
3.5 weeks |
Easter 2013 - 2 months old |
| | |
Easter 2013 - Miss Lydia |
Crazy how quickly they grow, isn't it? It feels like I was just pregnant and now Addie is 3 months old! How did that happen??!! And Lydia is a wonderful big sister. Mike and I were worried that she would be jealous of Adeline, which in turn might lead to her being not-so-nice. That really hasn't been the case. She actually ignores Addie most of the time. She will check to make sure she is doing ok every once in a while, but that is about the extent of their interaction.
Adeline has been such a happy little baby! It was a nice change from the way Lydia was as a baby. If Adeline is fed and being held, she is content. She has gotten better about sitting by herself in the bouncy seat or the swing. She would still rather be held though. She is similar to Lydia in that sense.
Unfortunately, one of the things that hasn't changed is my dental career. It has been nearly a year since graduating and I have yet to find a dental therapy position. *Sigh* It isn't for a lack of trying, but I guess God is trying to test my patience a little longer! I have had quite a few hopeful prospects, but for one reason or another it always falls through. Despite this, I have really enjoyed the time it has allowed to spend with my girls. I really feel blessed to have two beautiful, healthy little ones. Lately, however, I haven't been able to spend much time with my dear hubby. I got a serving job for nights and weekends to help out with some of the family expenses when Addie was 6 weeks old (a little sooner that I would have liked, but the opportunity presented itself). Mike comes home from work and I immediately run out the door to head to work. This usually happens 3 days during the week. I also usually have at least one shift on the weekend. Throw in errands and other activities that happen during any given week and you can see there isn't much time for DH and I to be together. This is temporary though. And for that reason, I think we can both deal with it for now. I should find out next week if our routine will be changing again. I could possibly be starting a full-time dental position in a couple of months. Or it could fall through ;)
That's it for now - It's almost 1am and I should get some sleep!
Love, Brie