I have learned so much about cloth diapering since deciding we would be giving it a try, but I still have so much to learn. I think I have figured out at least how to put them all on :-D There are so many different types, it is hard to know! Then I have to figure out what laundry detergent is ok to use on cloth diapers. I just stumbled upon a website that gives a good review of detergents (www.pinstripesandpolkadots.com). I have a feeling though, that when I go to buy detergent I will be thoroughly confused! I still have yet to really figure out how to properly wash them - Do I use hot water? Cold? Cold and then hot? How about drying? Are there some cloth diapers I can't wash or dry in the machine? It seems so complicated - but I have a couple months to figure it out still.
My newest item search is a wet bag to bring with when I run errands or travel that will store dirty diapers until I get them home to wash them. I registered for one at Baby's R Us, but I LOVE the ones on Etsy, plus I like supporting the small businesses. Here is the Etsy shop I have my eye on for a wet bag...
www.Etsy.com - MonkeyFootDesigns

I'd like to get one in each size so that I have one for every occasion. For a reference, here is what a large fits: "This size (~ 14" x 16") is great for dirty children's clothes/bibs/burp cloths and for longer trips out of the house when you'll need to bring 4-5 cloth diapers."
We had our All About Babies class today at the hospital. It was 3 hours! I'm used to sitting in class for that long but I think DH was getting ready to dose off ;) They did a general overview of anything we might want to know about caring for a baby. The most useful things we learned were the bathing procedure and how to swaddle. It was fun to go with DH. True to form, everyone else there was due before us. What can I say? I like to be prepared :)
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