Today was a big day! We started Miss Lydia on solid foods today! I bought her some yummy organic oatmeal cereal that DH decided to mix up for Lydia this afternoon. He came in and woke me up around noon (yes, I was still sleeping at noon. Sue me!) saying "you've got to come see this!" She was sitting in her bumbo exciting awaiting her spoon full of cereal! So darn cute!
I can't believe how quickly she is changing! She is almost sitting up by herself, she has (finally) outgrown (almost) all of her newborn clothes. She is smiling soooo much. Meanwhile, I am frolicking around at school, with my days being roughly 6am-6pm. Leaving about 2 hours per day for me to see Bean awake.
To be honest, I'm surprised I have made it this long. I didn't know I could even function on so little sleep, let alone treat patients every day and be a wife and a mom. Yikes! I don't know that I am doing any of the three as well as I could, but I am giving it my best, and I guess that's all I can do.
Anyways, enough about that... Here are some pictures of Bean:
Father's Day 2011
And, just for fun:
*Mike (26) & Brie (25) Married 08.04.2007 *Lydia Jill - 2/10/2011 *Adeline Renae - 2/03/2013

Saturday, June 25, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
I Cracked
I was doing so great with my shopping (aka buying) hiatus! I made it about a month and a half without buying anything but the necessities. I not only surprised my hunny, but surprised myself as well!
Well, the streak is over. I cracked. I went to the Victoria Secret Semi-Annual Sale and the Bath and Body Works Semi-Annual sale with SIL. We also hit up the huge sale at Gap (50% OFF all sale items)! I spent the most at Victoria Secret...but there was a reason for that. If I was going to smooth over going shopping, I needed to get something DH would be excited about :) Hehe Lucky for me, it worked!
I also got a cute outfit at Gap - Straight leg crop black jeans ($15) and a tan flowy dressy shirt ($15). They are so cute together and I have a cardigan that ties it all together perfectly! Paired together with some cute wedges and I got myself the perfect mommy outfit for $30!
At B&B, I got a large candle for my bathroom. I use a candle for light for every shower - it is my unwinding time. And I got a couple wall flower refills to make my home smell oh-so-good.
So there. That is what broke my shopping hiatus. Now I have to make it at least 2 months before I shop again.
My other goal of only getting coffee shop coffee 1x/week isn't going so well. I got it 3 times last week and even that was hard for me. :-\ But so far, so good this week. I think I found a solution to help me reach my goal! I had coffee from Holiday Gas station on Sunday morning and it was sooooo good! And only $1!!! They have a few sugar-free syrups (cinnamon, hazelnut and vanilla) with french vanilla and hazelnut creamer. Yum!!!! The best thing is I could get one every day and that would equal one coffee shop drink.
DH's father's day went really well. I took Bean so he could sleep in, then we went to church. After church we got to see his dad and his extended family. Then it was off to my parent's house to have dinner with my dad. After that we had our volleyball game with the in-laws (where we won!). The funny part is, I think the volleyball game was DH's favorite part of the day. Haha
Alright...moving on with the day. I'm looking ahead to my 3 week break starting July 22. Man do I need a break.
P.S. Bean had her 4 month appointment today - shots included :( She is 13 lbs 2 oz, 25 in long with a 16 in head circumference. She is in the 70th percentile for everything but weight, where she is in the 30th percentile. This is up from 5th percentile then 15th percentile. So, she is doing good! I'm thinking about starting baby cereal soon - eeeeek!
Well, the streak is over. I cracked. I went to the Victoria Secret Semi-Annual Sale and the Bath and Body Works Semi-Annual sale with SIL. We also hit up the huge sale at Gap (50% OFF all sale items)! I spent the most at Victoria Secret...but there was a reason for that. If I was going to smooth over going shopping, I needed to get something DH would be excited about :) Hehe Lucky for me, it worked!
I also got a cute outfit at Gap - Straight leg crop black jeans ($15) and a tan flowy dressy shirt ($15). They are so cute together and I have a cardigan that ties it all together perfectly! Paired together with some cute wedges and I got myself the perfect mommy outfit for $30!
At B&B, I got a large candle for my bathroom. I use a candle for light for every shower - it is my unwinding time. And I got a couple wall flower refills to make my home smell oh-so-good.
So there. That is what broke my shopping hiatus. Now I have to make it at least 2 months before I shop again.
My other goal of only getting coffee shop coffee 1x/week isn't going so well. I got it 3 times last week and even that was hard for me. :-\ But so far, so good this week. I think I found a solution to help me reach my goal! I had coffee from Holiday Gas station on Sunday morning and it was sooooo good! And only $1!!! They have a few sugar-free syrups (cinnamon, hazelnut and vanilla) with french vanilla and hazelnut creamer. Yum!!!! The best thing is I could get one every day and that would equal one coffee shop drink.
DH's father's day went really well. I took Bean so he could sleep in, then we went to church. After church we got to see his dad and his extended family. Then it was off to my parent's house to have dinner with my dad. After that we had our volleyball game with the in-laws (where we won!). The funny part is, I think the volleyball game was DH's favorite part of the day. Haha
Alright...moving on with the day. I'm looking ahead to my 3 week break starting July 22. Man do I need a break.
P.S. Bean had her 4 month appointment today - shots included :( She is 13 lbs 2 oz, 25 in long with a 16 in head circumference. She is in the 70th percentile for everything but weight, where she is in the 30th percentile. This is up from 5th percentile then 15th percentile. So, she is doing good! I'm thinking about starting baby cereal soon - eeeeek!
Monday, June 13, 2011
I'm going to start off by saying, our nanny is the best! When I got home today I discovered she had done Lydia's laundry AND wiped down my bathroom sink! What!?!?! Amazing! On top of that, she stayed and watched Lydia while I took a much needed nap... A 3 hour long much needed nap. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh sleep. And man, did it feel good!
The only problem is, it is now 11:45pm and I don't feel tired. Lydia will be up in roughly an hour. Darn it! Well, I guess you can't win them all.
Know what else feels good? I got so much accomplished today! I paid off all of the medical bills for Lydia and I. I paid the 3 month overdue parking ticket (that went from $32 to $79...not a good plan). AND I took Palmer to the vet to get caught up on all of his vaccines ($206.00 - ouch!). Now, we are broke again. Goody.
Back to the grind tomorrow. On the to-do list for the remainder of the week:
1. Write thank-you notes for Lydia's shower 2 months ago
2. Get car washed
3. Grocery shopping
4. Get DH's birthday gift (for his birthday on WEDNESDAY - eeek)
And, my sleeping beauty:
The only problem is, it is now 11:45pm and I don't feel tired. Lydia will be up in roughly an hour. Darn it! Well, I guess you can't win them all.
Know what else feels good? I got so much accomplished today! I paid off all of the medical bills for Lydia and I. I paid the 3 month overdue parking ticket (that went from $32 to $79...not a good plan). AND I took Palmer to the vet to get caught up on all of his vaccines ($206.00 - ouch!). Now, we are broke again. Goody.
Back to the grind tomorrow. On the to-do list for the remainder of the week:
1. Write thank-you notes for Lydia's shower 2 months ago
2. Get car washed
3. Grocery shopping
4. Get DH's birthday gift (for his birthday on WEDNESDAY - eeek)
And, my sleeping beauty:
I Can't.
Ever have those days where you think you can't possibly make it through the day, let alone the week ahead? This is one of those days. I needed the weekend to relax and refuel. Even though the weekend was wonderful, I did not get the refueling I needed.
So here I am, 8:15am, practically falling asleep as I type this. My class starts in 10 minutes and I don't know how I am going to stay awake for it.
However, as I was walking in this morning dreading a looooooong day ahead of me, I remembered that I am blocked in the pediatric clinic all day for orientation...But here's the kicker! I already went through orientation and it is for the new group coming in! Which meeeeeaaaaannnnnnsssss, I have practically the whole day off! HALLELUJAH! And what's even better, my wonderful nanny said she would watch Lydia while I took a quick nap before she leaves. This makes me very very happy.
In other news, DH's 25th birthday is on Wednesday and I'm not quite sure what I should get him. He wants a new mouse for his computer for his video games. Not only is it $70, but something to help him play video games is the last thing I want to get him. But it is the only thing he asked for. What do I do?
Weekend festivities :)
So here I am, 8:15am, practically falling asleep as I type this. My class starts in 10 minutes and I don't know how I am going to stay awake for it.
However, as I was walking in this morning dreading a looooooong day ahead of me, I remembered that I am blocked in the pediatric clinic all day for orientation...But here's the kicker! I already went through orientation and it is for the new group coming in! Which meeeeeaaaaannnnnnsssss, I have practically the whole day off! HALLELUJAH! And what's even better, my wonderful nanny said she would watch Lydia while I took a quick nap before she leaves. This makes me very very happy.
In other news, DH's 25th birthday is on Wednesday and I'm not quite sure what I should get him. He wants a new mouse for his computer for his video games. Not only is it $70, but something to help him play video games is the last thing I want to get him. But it is the only thing he asked for. What do I do?
Weekend festivities :)
Friday, June 10, 2011
Runnin' on Fumes
I knew this week would be very very busy... but MAN, I am tired! By Tuesday, I was already feeling it. Monday was a really long day. Here's a glimpse:
5:00am - wake up
5:30am - leave for up north to grandma's house
6:15am - leave from grandma's house to catch the 6:30am train
7:15am - catch the bus from downtown to campus
8:00am - oral pathology starts
9:00am-4:00pm - pediatric clinic orientation and cavity preps on typodont
4:30pm - catch bus from campus to downtown
5:00pm - catch train
6:00pm - pick up Lydia
6:30pm - go grocery shopping
8:00pm - arrive home just in time to give Lydia a bottle, make dinner, unload the dishwasher and put Lydia to sleep.
9:00pm - Completely exhausted and ready for bed
1:00am - Lydia up for first feeding
4:00am - Lydia up for second feeding
Now, repeat with slight modifications (i.e. replace orientation with patients and skip lunch for meetings) for the rest of this week. So yeah, I'm a little tired. I have never needed sleep more in my life!
On the bright side, I really do love pediatric clinic. Thank goodness. It is nice to know that what I thought I wanted to do, I actually want to do :)
I am now over a month "clean" from my shopping habit :) DH is extremely happy that I am not spending all his money. I have gotten a few "fixes" shopping for birthdays and holidays. We have been studying being good stewards of God's money in Bible study. The more we go into it and the longer I have to think about it, the more my eyes are opened to what I should be doing with our money...which doesn't include spending it on clothes for Bean or myself or DH. Or buying stuff for the house that we really don't need. The better option is putting the money we have toward paying our bills and for gas and groceries, reducing our debt, giving it to those in need and giving it to the church. The last one is the one that I struggle with the most. I understand that it isn't really giving it to the is giving it to God. But for some reason I don't particularly see it that way. I guess I have trouble trusting that the church will use it in the best way possible. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE our church. I don't know...I guess it is a heart thing and it is something I need to pray about. No surprisingly, I love giving to the charities/causes that allow me to shop (HA!). For example, operation Christmas Child, donating backpacks, school supplies, clothes. Even food and hygiene products. Or donating my time to help those in need. I just have a hard time donating money. I'm not sure, but I think that might be a bad thing?
I've been thinking of boy names (because I want a boy next)... I think my front runners are Paxton and Kingston (Unlike some others, I don't enjoy torturing people by making them wait until the baby is born ;) Hehehehe).
Alright, the best part of my day:
Next goal: Only buy coffee 1x/week or less. Le sigh.
5:00am - wake up
5:30am - leave for up north to grandma's house
6:15am - leave from grandma's house to catch the 6:30am train
7:15am - catch the bus from downtown to campus
8:00am - oral pathology starts
9:00am-4:00pm - pediatric clinic orientation and cavity preps on typodont
4:30pm - catch bus from campus to downtown
5:00pm - catch train
6:00pm - pick up Lydia
6:30pm - go grocery shopping
8:00pm - arrive home just in time to give Lydia a bottle, make dinner, unload the dishwasher and put Lydia to sleep.
9:00pm - Completely exhausted and ready for bed
1:00am - Lydia up for first feeding
4:00am - Lydia up for second feeding
Now, repeat with slight modifications (i.e. replace orientation with patients and skip lunch for meetings) for the rest of this week. So yeah, I'm a little tired. I have never needed sleep more in my life!
On the bright side, I really do love pediatric clinic. Thank goodness. It is nice to know that what I thought I wanted to do, I actually want to do :)
I am now over a month "clean" from my shopping habit :) DH is extremely happy that I am not spending all his money. I have gotten a few "fixes" shopping for birthdays and holidays. We have been studying being good stewards of God's money in Bible study. The more we go into it and the longer I have to think about it, the more my eyes are opened to what I should be doing with our money...which doesn't include spending it on clothes for Bean or myself or DH. Or buying stuff for the house that we really don't need. The better option is putting the money we have toward paying our bills and for gas and groceries, reducing our debt, giving it to those in need and giving it to the church. The last one is the one that I struggle with the most. I understand that it isn't really giving it to the is giving it to God. But for some reason I don't particularly see it that way. I guess I have trouble trusting that the church will use it in the best way possible. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE our church. I don't know...I guess it is a heart thing and it is something I need to pray about. No surprisingly, I love giving to the charities/causes that allow me to shop (HA!). For example, operation Christmas Child, donating backpacks, school supplies, clothes. Even food and hygiene products. Or donating my time to help those in need. I just have a hard time donating money. I'm not sure, but I think that might be a bad thing?
I've been thinking of boy names (because I want a boy next)... I think my front runners are Paxton and Kingston (Unlike some others, I don't enjoy torturing people by making them wait until the baby is born ;) Hehehehe).
Alright, the best part of my day:
Next goal: Only buy coffee 1x/week or less. Le sigh.
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