Ever have those days where you think you can't possibly make it through the day, let alone the week ahead? This is one of those days. I needed the weekend to relax and refuel. Even though the weekend was wonderful, I did not get the refueling I needed.
So here I am, 8:15am, practically falling asleep as I type this. My class starts in 10 minutes and I don't know how I am going to stay awake for it.
However, as I was walking in this morning dreading a looooooong day ahead of me, I remembered that I am blocked in the pediatric clinic all day for orientation...But here's the kicker! I already went through orientation and it is for the new group coming in! Which meeeeeaaaaannnnnnsssss, I have practically the whole day off! HALLELUJAH! And what's even better, my wonderful nanny said she would watch Lydia while I took a quick nap before she leaves. This makes me very very happy.
In other news, DH's 25th birthday is on Wednesday and I'm not quite sure what I should get him. He wants a new mouse for his computer for his video games. Not only is it $70, but something to help him play video games is the last thing I want to get him. But it is the only thing he asked for. What do I do?
Weekend festivities :)
My gosh, she is so dang cute!! lol! I think the kicker is that you have almost the whole day off, that is absolutely amazing, you needed that! :) I am so jealous!