Friday, September 23, 2011

7 month update!

It was not my intentions to only do an update once per month but that seems to be the trend lately. I guess it's better than nothing, right? I've been a little more diligent about posting on Buuuuuuuuuut, something special for this blog is pictures of little miss Lydia Jill!!! I'll post a few of her 6 month pictures at the end of the post (done by Cheryl June Photography).

Bean is getting pretty close to walking! She pulls herself up on everything she possibly can and reaches for anything she can find. At first she could pull herself up but wouldn't know how to get back down. So she would end up falling and crying. She quickly figured out how to sit back down :) Now she is transferring from different pieces of furniture while standing up. I think he first step is coming sooooon!!! The only sad part is, it is very likely that I will miss it and it will happen at grandma's or at her nanny's. I don't have to be there for the first, right??? It will be just as exciting if it is the first time I see it, right??? Who knows... I do know that I am so amazed at the things Lydia can do at such a young age! She is so amazing (I know, every mom thinks that about their baby!)! Also worth noting, is she just started on meat! Yay!!! I bought a rotisserie chicken for dinner for DH and I the other night and used the left over meat (minus the skin) for Bean's baby food, mixed with peas...Yummmmm! :) OH! And did I mention that she will eat literally ANYTHING??? She at a lemon last weekend. A LEMON!!!! She made the funniest sour face I have ever seen!

In other news, we put in our 2nd offer on a house. The first one was in St. Michael and didn't work out. This one is on the opposite end of our search radius, in Mayer. DH is in love with the house! It really is a beautiful house in great condition for a fantastic deal! I think with a little paint and some personal touches, it can look completely amazing! It is a foreclosure so from what we've been told, we should know sometime next week if we got the house. Eeeeeeek! If we do get the house, our closing date will be November 17th. Hopefully our townhouse will get rented out soon so we aren't stuck paying rent here AND for a mortgage. That would be an issue! 

Our Potential House :)

Annnnnd a peak at Lydia's 6 month photo shoot!

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