We are playing the Fall league of sand volleyball this year, which I am so excited about! DH and I have so much fun playing. We have played the Summer leauge the last couple years and this year, I guess we all wanted more :) We play with my dad, DH's mom, brother, sister and dad (Except he is injured for this season). It is good family time (for the most part, haha) and so nice to have a reason to see everybody at least once per week. We had our first games of the Fall season last night - we won all 6 games (3 games/match)! Great start, especially having an aweful finish to the Summer season (We narrowly avoided a family brawl due to the overly competative nature of a certain family member). A problem has arisen, however. I got up this morning and had a hard time walking. It is a familiar pain. I had the same thing happen with Lydia. It is lower pelvic/groin pain. I think
SPD is kicking in, already :( It did not happen this early with Lydia. If I remember correctly, it held off until the third trimester the first pregnancy. I guess we'll see what happens after the games next week. Maybe it's a fluke. Maybe I just tweaked something weird?
In other news....We find out what we are having on FRIDAY!!!! Yay! My oppointment was originally made for for next Tuesday, but I just couldn't stand to wait until I was 20 weeks +1 day! So I called and had them switch the appointment to Friday :) I'm definitely thinking girl. The heart rate has been the same as Lydia and I've had very similar symptoms, just stronger with this pregnancy.
DH is thinking we should put both kids in the same room. He thinks there is no reason why they would need their own rooms at this age. I definitely see his point. It would be much easier to have them share a room if this one is a girl also. But I suppose we could make it work either way. They just wouldn't be able to share a room for as long. We'll have to think about it.
Miss Lydia is definitely getting teeth! She woke up (after she had a rough night) Saturday morning with about 8 bumps in her mouth where she is working on getting teeth in. 8!!!! That is crazy! It would be great if she actually did get all 8 at one time and get them over with. Then we wouldn't have to keep going through the teething process over and over again. I can't wait to see all those new teethers either! It's going to be so cute! I just hope we have a couple more good nights of sleep in the meantime. Although I think last night was a fluke and we just lucked out ;) She stayed with my MIL Saturday night while DH and I had a BBQ and bonfire with friends. She only woke up once (from 3-4am) that night, which is pretty good lately.
Here are some pictures of her weekend:
Eating corn at Grandma's |
Checking out Grandpa's peppers |
Doesn't she look so big?!?! I can't believe it! I was asked this weekend if she is 3! She is only 19 months! It went too fast! But she is so fun at this age. She is talking so much! She learns so quickly now. She knows most of her body parts - head, hair, teeth, nose, cheeks, eyes, chin, ears, shoulders, arm, elbow, belly, belly button, leg, knee, foot, toes! We are working on letters, colors and numbers. She can count to 3 and is practicing "A-B-C." She is going to be speaking in full sentences before we know it!
Love, B
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