I've got to get back on track tomorrow. I didn't work out today, I had Dairy Queen for lunch and cookies later today. Eeeek! To make matters worse, we are traveling to IL from MN this weekend, which generally means fast food. I'd like to lose an average of 5 lbs every two weeks, but fast food is not going to get me there. Maybe I can convince DH to stop at Subway instead :)
Ok, I promised myself I would be completely open and honest on this blog, otherwise, what's the point? And I know this comes with a plethora of "I told you so's" and "I knew that would happen," but in the end, that doesn't matter. So, here's the deal...I applied for a full time stay-at-home position with an online wedding favor company. I haven't decided yet if I will take it if I am offered the position, but I am seriously considering it. This of course would mean I don't go back to school. At least for now. I never EVER thought I would be in this position. If someone would have told me I would even be considering this at this point, I would have thought they were crazy. The thing is, I just can't imagine leaving my little one. I can't even imagine going back to school in a month and leaving Lydia. I want to raise her and not miss her growing up. I only have 1 year of school left, but she is going to grow SO much in one year. I really don't want to miss it.
With all that said, I have never wanted to do anything but dentistry my whole life. If I finish the program, theoretically that is what I would be doing. I say theoretically because we are the first Dental Therapists in the United States, and who knows if the position will flourish. So there is my dilemma. At this point, I can honestly say I have no idea what I am going to do.

I wouldn't be able to leave her either. In your defense - that's a hard position to be put in! But overall, the Lord will make the decision for you - don't worry about a thang!