Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Six Months and Changing Daily!

I cannot believe how much Lydia has changed in the last 2 weeks! Two weeks ago, she couldn't crawl. Now she can get exactly where she wants to go and FAST! Two weeks ago she could barely sit up by herself. Now she can go from a crawl to sitting on her bum, then onto her side, etc... She is at the point now where she just wants to skip the crawling and go straight to the walking. She is working on standing up. She has started to babble mamamamama and dadadadada. Not that I think this is on purpose, but it is pretty cute nonetheless. AND she has started teething. Uh-oh.

So far she has just been chewing on her hands and anything else she can get a hold of. She doesn't seem to be uncomfortable yet. I'm not looking forward to when she does get uncomfortable.

And, what prompted me to post is her 6 month photos are done!!!! I've gone through them all, LOVE them and will post a few sooooooooon! :)

Here are a few to tie you over: