Which means...I have 2 hands!!! Yay! DH is feeding our little one, so I will briefly have 2 hands.
Lydia is now 2 weeks, 2 days old :) Things have been gradually getting easier and we are all starting to get the hang of things. I'm starting to get used to being at home alone all day with her. I try to get out of the house at least once a day just to break things up a little bit so we aren't sitting on the couch watching TV all day. I've also been doing my best to keep up with house stuff - laundry, dishes, etc. I even manage to make the bed most days. I'm not going to lie, doing anything becomes quite the challenge with a baby in my arms. So I feel accomplished if I manage to do one load of laundry or put dishes/bottles in the dishwasher. Things such as eating and going to the bathroom have become quite the hassle. I get annoyed every time I get hungry or have to go to the bathroom. Things that have helped: Bouncy seat we keep in the bathroom keeps her content for a little while. I bought slimfast shakes that I can drink for lunch and not have to worry about making anything or needing 2 hands to eat.
Feeding, much to my surprise, has been the biggest challenge so far. I never expected to have trouble with breastfeeding. I never really even gave it a second thought. I planned to exclusively breastfeed...well, things haven't quite worked out that way so far. For some reason, I just do not make enough to keep her fed. I tried really hard to make it work, and it just wasn't. We started off only breastfeeding. She had lost 1 pound in her first 4 days. Then we started supplementing with 1/2 oz of formula after each feeding. She had only gained 2 oz from 1 week old to 2 weeks. She was supposed to gain 7 oz and be back up to her birth weight. So now we are giving her 2 oz of formula after each feeding. I am only getting about 1/2 oz of milk (from pumping) after waiting 3 hours between feedings. Definitely not enough. I am feeling better about supplementing. As long as she is getting some breast milk, I feel ok about giving her formula. And I must admit, it does make certain things easier and takes a lot of stress off me now that I am not her only source of food.
Nights have been going pretty smoothly. She started out practically sleeping through the night. She would sleep for about 6 hours straight (12am-6am). She was sleeping with us, mostly me, in bed. We just started putting her in her bassinet because it was too hard on me to sleep with her. I would wake up with every squirm and squeak. It was hard on my body to be in the same position all night, not being able to move. I sleep much better without her. She slept for about 4 hour stretches in her bassinet last night, which is pretty good in my opinion. I hope nights continue to go smoothly.
My body is slowly but surely shrinking. It is weird because I don't even remember what I looked like before I was pregnant. When I go into my closet, I have no concept of what will fit me. I tried to put my regular jeans on last weekend (1 week after giving birth) and failed miserably. I should have known better. I am anxious to get back into a workout routine and start fitting in normal clothes again. I'm am supposed to wait 6 weeks before I start working out again, but I don't think I'll last that long. Besides that, most of the pregnancy ailments have disappeared. My fingers still get stiff at night and just recently my wrists started hurting. It might be from holding the little bean all day, but I hope it is just a temporary thing. I sort of need my hands to do dentistry :)
Ahhhhhh...it feels good to get all that written, with two hands! :) Next update might be next weekend.
*Mike (26) & Brie (25) Married 08.04.2007 *Lydia Jill - 2/10/2011 *Adeline Renae - 2/03/2013

Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Breastfeeding Woes
I'm not going to lie, I didn't think breastfeeding a newborn would be so hard. I don't think I've ever cried this much in my entire life, but I am doing my best to stick with it.
The first full day home was the hardest, followed by yesterday in a close second. The first day we were home was Monday. I had a horrible headache since Sunday, that might have been caused by the epidural. It was awful! We had an appointment with the home visit nurse between 12-2 but I decided I needed to try to get rid of my headache asap! I went to the hospital at 10:30 to get an epidural blood patch (repeat epidural into my spine, but inject blood instead of meds). Well, I ended up getting home at 1:00, just as the home nurse was leaving :( On top of that, Lydia had already lost a pound since birth and they recommended we start supplementing 1/2 oz of formula after each feeding. I felt like i totally failed her. We left right away to see the pediatrician - Lydia was plenty healthy, just pretty hungry. The crying decreased dramatically from then on out. I was still breastfeeding her every 2 hours, then DH would give her the formula.
She started sleeping through the night. It is so nice that she is such a good sleeper but we aren't supposed to let her sleep through the night because it effects my milk supply :-\ I'm so conflicted about it.
Yesterday was a nightmare because I tried to only breastfeed her without supplementing with formula. Needless to say, I failed. She was either eating or crying all day. I finally gave in and she was content again. I wish we didn't have to give her formula, but right now, that just isn't possible...
Lydia, 1 day old:
The first full day home was the hardest, followed by yesterday in a close second. The first day we were home was Monday. I had a horrible headache since Sunday, that might have been caused by the epidural. It was awful! We had an appointment with the home visit nurse between 12-2 but I decided I needed to try to get rid of my headache asap! I went to the hospital at 10:30 to get an epidural blood patch (repeat epidural into my spine, but inject blood instead of meds). Well, I ended up getting home at 1:00, just as the home nurse was leaving :( On top of that, Lydia had already lost a pound since birth and they recommended we start supplementing 1/2 oz of formula after each feeding. I felt like i totally failed her. We left right away to see the pediatrician - Lydia was plenty healthy, just pretty hungry. The crying decreased dramatically from then on out. I was still breastfeeding her every 2 hours, then DH would give her the formula.
She started sleeping through the night. It is so nice that she is such a good sleeper but we aren't supposed to let her sleep through the night because it effects my milk supply :-\ I'm so conflicted about it.
Yesterday was a nightmare because I tried to only breastfeed her without supplementing with formula. Needless to say, I failed. She was either eating or crying all day. I finally gave in and she was content again. I wish we didn't have to give her formula, but right now, that just isn't possible...
Lydia, 1 day old:

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
She Made It!!!
Well, Lydia decided she would come out after all. I was beginning to doubt she would ever make her appearance. Let me tell you, though, she didn't come out without a fight.
Here is our birth story:
I started having contractions about 12 minutes apart on Tuesday night after a day of shopping with DH's cousin (who just had her baby yesterday!). They were definitely stronger than the "contractions" I was having the Saturday before when we had our false alarm. I honestly didn't think much of them, because at this point I didn't think I would EVER go into labor!
Wednesday morning DH and I DTD (sorry moms...) before he left for work. I thought it might make the contractions feel a little better. They were a little stronger at this point, and about 10 minutes apart. The contractions were still not painful and I still thought they were nothing.
3:00pm - We had an OB appointment Wednesday afternoon to check where I was at and check how Lydia was doing since she was late. DH left work early to come with me. At this point contractions were about 8 minutes apart and I finally decided to tell DH that it might possibly be something, but probably not. Lydia passed her Biophysical and Non-stress test with flying colors - she was doing great! And physically, I was doing great too, but I was so ready to meet my little girl. The OB attempted to do a cervical check but I was still really really high and he was not the best at "getting up there." It was quite painful and we almost decided to just skip it. But after talking about when we would schedule my induction for, we decided it would be helpful to know where I was at. Amazingly, I had progressed to 2cm dilated! WHOA! Was it possible that these contractions were really doing something?! The OB disrupted things up there as much as he could and we scheduled my induction for Friday morning. Finally, an end was in sight!
5:00pm - From there, contractions got significantly stronger. So much so that I actually had to stop for a second when leaving the OB clinic to wait out the contraction. It wasn't particularly painful but it was definitely uncomfortable.
6:00pm - DH went to Perkins to grab some dinner and see how things were going to progress. Contractions are now 6-7 minutes apart and strong enough that I wince through them. Since we were just in the hospital for a false alarm, we decided to wait it out a little longer. We went home and got everything ready to go. We were going to sit down to watch a movie but contractions were getting quite strong.
9:00pm - I decided I wanted to walk. DH and I went to Target by the hospital to walk some laps and see if things would progress. We walked and walked and walked until I couldn't take much more of the contractions and the waiting. Contractions were about 5-6 minutes apart.
11:00pm - We checked in to the hospital and they monitored me for a while. They decided to admit me. I was 3cm dilated at around 2:00am. They told me to get some sleep - riiiigggghhhhhttttt. The contractions were really painful at this point and I was really struggling to get through them. I decided the only way I was going to get through the night was to sit in the shower to try to make the contractions feel better...I was in the shower for an hour and a half. It helped. DH napped for a while.
7:00am - They started me on Pitocin to help things progress
7:30am - The Dr. come in and broke my water - This was also quite painful. I woke DH with my screaming.
8:00am - I was 4cm dilated and finally got my epidural. FINALLY! Things were quite lovely from this point until about 5:00pm. My parents arrived at the hospital around 9:00am to bring us breakfast and we sat and chatted and read magazines. I even napped a bit.
1:00pm - Nurse checks me and I am almost fully dilated and she predicts I'll be pushing my little baby girl out in about an hour.
3:00pm - I'm fully dilated but baby girl has still not come down. They decide to let me labor a bit longer to see if she'll come down via contractions.
5:00pm - The epidural catheter got knocked out of place and caused EXTREME pain in my back. It took 30 minutes for the anesthesiologist to make it up to my room to fix the problem. I thought I was going to die. I was bawling and didn't know how I would possibly make it any longer.
5:30pm - The anesthesiologist fixed the problem and I was feeling good again. I slept for another hour and when I woke up I told them I was ready to push.
6:30pm - She still had not come down but I was done waiting. I put on my "battle music" (Raggaeton) and we started pushing. And pushing. And pushing some more. For about 2 1/2 hours.
8:45pm: The nurse calls the doctor in and tells me to go ahead and push with my next contraction. Then they yelled at me to STOP! Lydia was ready to make her appearance but the Dr. hadn't gotten his gloves on yet. When the doctor was ready, I gave another push and out she came!!! She was beautiful...and quite. She only made 2 little peeps but was doing just fine and was alert and looking around. She weighed 7lbs 10oz and was 22 inches long (including her cone head). She is built like her papa and has a full head of dark brown hair. We can't hardly believe it!
Other little tid-bits about the labor (Warning: TMI): I threw up multiple times. Probably more times than I had in my entire life, combined. I pooped a little bit while pushing and sooo didn't even care. And tore just slightly, which the doctor fixed with a couple stitches.
I'll write more about how things are going later - I've got to hold Lydia so DH can eat dinner.
Day we went home - Lydia, 2 days old:
Here is our birth story:
I started having contractions about 12 minutes apart on Tuesday night after a day of shopping with DH's cousin (who just had her baby yesterday!). They were definitely stronger than the "contractions" I was having the Saturday before when we had our false alarm. I honestly didn't think much of them, because at this point I didn't think I would EVER go into labor!
Wednesday morning DH and I DTD (sorry moms...) before he left for work. I thought it might make the contractions feel a little better. They were a little stronger at this point, and about 10 minutes apart. The contractions were still not painful and I still thought they were nothing.
3:00pm - We had an OB appointment Wednesday afternoon to check where I was at and check how Lydia was doing since she was late. DH left work early to come with me. At this point contractions were about 8 minutes apart and I finally decided to tell DH that it might possibly be something, but probably not. Lydia passed her Biophysical and Non-stress test with flying colors - she was doing great! And physically, I was doing great too, but I was so ready to meet my little girl. The OB attempted to do a cervical check but I was still really really high and he was not the best at "getting up there." It was quite painful and we almost decided to just skip it. But after talking about when we would schedule my induction for, we decided it would be helpful to know where I was at. Amazingly, I had progressed to 2cm dilated! WHOA! Was it possible that these contractions were really doing something?! The OB disrupted things up there as much as he could and we scheduled my induction for Friday morning. Finally, an end was in sight!
5:00pm - From there, contractions got significantly stronger. So much so that I actually had to stop for a second when leaving the OB clinic to wait out the contraction. It wasn't particularly painful but it was definitely uncomfortable.
6:00pm - DH went to Perkins to grab some dinner and see how things were going to progress. Contractions are now 6-7 minutes apart and strong enough that I wince through them. Since we were just in the hospital for a false alarm, we decided to wait it out a little longer. We went home and got everything ready to go. We were going to sit down to watch a movie but contractions were getting quite strong.
9:00pm - I decided I wanted to walk. DH and I went to Target by the hospital to walk some laps and see if things would progress. We walked and walked and walked until I couldn't take much more of the contractions and the waiting. Contractions were about 5-6 minutes apart.
11:00pm - We checked in to the hospital and they monitored me for a while. They decided to admit me. I was 3cm dilated at around 2:00am. They told me to get some sleep - riiiigggghhhhhttttt. The contractions were really painful at this point and I was really struggling to get through them. I decided the only way I was going to get through the night was to sit in the shower to try to make the contractions feel better...I was in the shower for an hour and a half. It helped. DH napped for a while.
7:00am - They started me on Pitocin to help things progress
7:30am - The Dr. come in and broke my water - This was also quite painful. I woke DH with my screaming.
8:00am - I was 4cm dilated and finally got my epidural. FINALLY! Things were quite lovely from this point until about 5:00pm. My parents arrived at the hospital around 9:00am to bring us breakfast and we sat and chatted and read magazines. I even napped a bit.
1:00pm - Nurse checks me and I am almost fully dilated and she predicts I'll be pushing my little baby girl out in about an hour.
3:00pm - I'm fully dilated but baby girl has still not come down. They decide to let me labor a bit longer to see if she'll come down via contractions.
5:00pm - The epidural catheter got knocked out of place and caused EXTREME pain in my back. It took 30 minutes for the anesthesiologist to make it up to my room to fix the problem. I thought I was going to die. I was bawling and didn't know how I would possibly make it any longer.
5:30pm - The anesthesiologist fixed the problem and I was feeling good again. I slept for another hour and when I woke up I told them I was ready to push.
6:30pm - She still had not come down but I was done waiting. I put on my "battle music" (Raggaeton) and we started pushing. And pushing. And pushing some more. For about 2 1/2 hours.
8:45pm: The nurse calls the doctor in and tells me to go ahead and push with my next contraction. Then they yelled at me to STOP! Lydia was ready to make her appearance but the Dr. hadn't gotten his gloves on yet. When the doctor was ready, I gave another push and out she came!!! She was beautiful...and quite. She only made 2 little peeps but was doing just fine and was alert and looking around. She weighed 7lbs 10oz and was 22 inches long (including her cone head). She is built like her papa and has a full head of dark brown hair. We can't hardly believe it!
Other little tid-bits about the labor (Warning: TMI): I threw up multiple times. Probably more times than I had in my entire life, combined. I pooped a little bit while pushing and sooo didn't even care. And tore just slightly, which the doctor fixed with a couple stitches.
I'll write more about how things are going later - I've got to hold Lydia so DH can eat dinner.
Day we went home - Lydia, 2 days old:

Monday, February 7, 2011
Mental vs. Physical
Now that I am past my due date, it is becoming very clear what the line is between the mental trials and physical trials of pregnancy are. As I'm going about my day, they all kind of jumble together in a big miserable mess. But by the end of the day, it isn't all that hard to discern one from the other.
Maybe it is the hormones, or the physical discomfort flowing over, but I have been the most impatient and unpleasant I have ever been in my life. I get angry at anyone crossing my path. Like a preg-zilla! I don't want to be a raging 'you-know-what' but I can't help it. The only person I really feel sorry for is DH. Granted, he isn't the best with me when I am irritable and upset, but he doesn't necessarily deserve my wrath multiple times a day. Everyone else I don't feel as bad for. They should see this big belly and just know to stay out of my way :)
Maybe another spill over of the physical discomfort, but moral is definitely low. It may seem silly, but I honestly don't know how much more I can take. Everyone says, "She'll come when she is ready," but I don't know that I can last that long. I feel like I am more and more falling apart each day, if not each hour. I am fully aware that this may be (is?) selfish of me, but I don't know that I can wait until "she is ready."
The last mental hurdle is the sheer boredom of waiting until she arrives. I guess that is what I get when I started preparing for this little girl before she was even conceived. This is what happens when I am ready for her arrival 3+ weeks before her due date. I mean, I am bound to be bored out of my mind when I am going on 4 weeks of sitting at home with nothing to do! I've tried to make lists of things to get done or things that can entertain me. The problem is, I get those things done rather quickly and I am back where I started. And the more I sit on my butt, being bored, the lazier, more unmotivated I get to actually do something. Counterproductive? Definitely!
Everything hurts. Ok, maybe not everything...but a lot of stuff. Everything between my belly button and my knees hurts. My feet hurt - they are swollen and the joints hurt. My hands hurt. They fall asleep frequently through the night. It hurts to close a fist. It hurts most in the morning, but they hurt all day. My back hurts. My lower back, my upper back, shoulders... it all hurts. No amount of massaging helps either. It hurts to sit on the couch, it hurts to sit on my yoga ball, it hurts to stand, it hurts to walk, it hurts to lay down. And turning over = Cringe in pain. Even my jaw hurts. That's just not right. I can't chew on my left side due to TMJ pain. When I turn over, my jaw pops and shifts into place. I knew pregnancy would get uncomfortable, but this is just getting excessive.
I have another appointment in an hour. This time with an OB (I guess now I can tell all the stupid people at the hospital that I, in fact, do have a doctor!!). I have to go without DH this time because he is at work. I am hoping and praying for some little bit of good news to hang on to.
Maybe it is the hormones, or the physical discomfort flowing over, but I have been the most impatient and unpleasant I have ever been in my life. I get angry at anyone crossing my path. Like a preg-zilla! I don't want to be a raging 'you-know-what' but I can't help it. The only person I really feel sorry for is DH. Granted, he isn't the best with me when I am irritable and upset, but he doesn't necessarily deserve my wrath multiple times a day. Everyone else I don't feel as bad for. They should see this big belly and just know to stay out of my way :)
Maybe another spill over of the physical discomfort, but moral is definitely low. It may seem silly, but I honestly don't know how much more I can take. Everyone says, "She'll come when she is ready," but I don't know that I can last that long. I feel like I am more and more falling apart each day, if not each hour. I am fully aware that this may be (is?) selfish of me, but I don't know that I can wait until "she is ready."
The last mental hurdle is the sheer boredom of waiting until she arrives. I guess that is what I get when I started preparing for this little girl before she was even conceived. This is what happens when I am ready for her arrival 3+ weeks before her due date. I mean, I am bound to be bored out of my mind when I am going on 4 weeks of sitting at home with nothing to do! I've tried to make lists of things to get done or things that can entertain me. The problem is, I get those things done rather quickly and I am back where I started. And the more I sit on my butt, being bored, the lazier, more unmotivated I get to actually do something. Counterproductive? Definitely!
Everything hurts. Ok, maybe not everything...but a lot of stuff. Everything between my belly button and my knees hurts. My feet hurt - they are swollen and the joints hurt. My hands hurt. They fall asleep frequently through the night. It hurts to close a fist. It hurts most in the morning, but they hurt all day. My back hurts. My lower back, my upper back, shoulders... it all hurts. No amount of massaging helps either. It hurts to sit on the couch, it hurts to sit on my yoga ball, it hurts to stand, it hurts to walk, it hurts to lay down. And turning over = Cringe in pain. Even my jaw hurts. That's just not right. I can't chew on my left side due to TMJ pain. When I turn over, my jaw pops and shifts into place. I knew pregnancy would get uncomfortable, but this is just getting excessive.
I have another appointment in an hour. This time with an OB (I guess now I can tell all the stupid people at the hospital that I, in fact, do have a doctor!!). I have to go without DH this time because he is at work. I am hoping and praying for some little bit of good news to hang on to.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
False Alarm!
I thought today was going to be the day! I started having light contractions last night around 9:00 or so. They were regular from 1:00am-8:00am so I figured it had to be the real thing. They never got very painful but they were definitely uncomfortable. Thinking I was actually in labor, I couldn't sleep, so I threw in "The Notebook." Around 6:30am I was quite hungry so I woke DH up to go get breakfast at Perkins. He was worried that we needed to go to the hospital right away but I convinced him to get breakfast first and told him we could then go to the hospital. During breakfast, the contractions got down to 5:30 min apart so we decided to go in to get things checked out. I should mention that after breakfast I assumed we were going to the hospital but DH decided that he no longer thought we needed to go...I think he was a little frazzled this morning. We got to the hospital and, even though I pre-registered, us checking in seemed to be quite the complicated ordeal. They kept asking me who my doctor was. I don't see a doctor. I see an NP at an Allina clinic. This seemed to thoroughly confuse them so they continued to ask who my doctor was. I was getting so irritated. The lady I talked to was so annoying, I about lost it. I had to tell her several times that I don't see a doctor, I see an NP, I pre-registered at Unity because it was closer than Mercy, where patients from the clinic I go to usually deliver. It is all the same Allina hospital system. It was not that difficult. I was so irritated with this lady that my face was red and I was rolling my eyes at her with every dumb question she asked me. That takes a lot for me. I am usually pretty good at masking my irritation. Finally, the lovely nurse sitting at the front desk decided to save me before we even finished checking in and put me in a room to be checked out. The rooms are very hospital-like but quite large, which is really nice! The nurse checked me and I was hoping for some good news. No such luck. 1+cm dilated, 50+% effaced and a station -3!!! Basically the same place I have been since 4 weeks ago!!! Argh! They sent me home with no indication that this baby was coming any time soon. The nurse said she didn't think it was "false labor," but probably just the very beginning of it. Turns out, this is no indication of when labor will actually happen. The nurse mentioned talking about induction at my appointment on Monday. I don't know how I feel about that. The very last thing I want is to end up with a C-section, which is much more likely to occur when induced. She seemed slightly concerned that baby was still SO high. Don't quite know why that is, but hopefully it isn't anything to be concerned about.
So that is where we stand. DH and I slept when we got home from the hospital, from 10:00am-5:00pm. We were quite tired. This makes me glad I decided to bake my cupcakes for the superbowl last night (I wanted to be sure to get them done in case I had my baby today! haha). DH thought I was crazy :) Half of them are green cupcakes with yellow frosting and half are yellow cupcakes with green frosting!

And last but not least, when DH ran out to get another cupcake tin last night around 2:30am, he brought me home some beautiful flowers! I guess I'll keep him around a little while longer ;)
So that is where we stand. DH and I slept when we got home from the hospital, from 10:00am-5:00pm. We were quite tired. This makes me glad I decided to bake my cupcakes for the superbowl last night (I wanted to be sure to get them done in case I had my baby today! haha). DH thought I was crazy :) Half of them are green cupcakes with yellow frosting and half are yellow cupcakes with green frosting!

And last but not least, when DH ran out to get another cupcake tin last night around 2:30am, he brought me home some beautiful flowers! I guess I'll keep him around a little while longer ;)

Thursday, February 3, 2011
I'm pretty sure I have SPD...I thought the pain I was feeling when I tried to roll over in bed or even walk was normal for pregnancy. Turns out the pain is not exactly normal, although apparently SPD occurs in 25-45% of pregnancies (depending on your source). I guess you can consider it a "common" pregnancy ailment.
This is what SPD is (wikipedia):
The main symptom is usually pain or discomfort in the pelvic region. This will probably be centred on the joint at the front of the pelvis (the pubis symphysis). Some sufferers report being able to hear the lower back and hip joints, the sacroiliac, clicking or popping in and out as they walk or change position. Sufferers frequently also experience pain in the lower back, hips, groin, lower abdomen, and legs. The severity of the pain can range from mild discomfort to extreme and prolonged suffering.[3] There have been links between SPD and depression on account of the associated physical discomfort.[4][5][6][7] Sufferers may walk with a characteristic waddling gait and have difficulty climbing stairs, problems with leg abduction and adduction, pain when carrying out weight bearing activities, difficulties carrying out everyday activities, and difficulties standing.
It definitely makes the end of this pregnancy less than pleasant. With that said, I am getting better at mentally preparing myself to be pregnant for at least another week. I really, honestly, don't think she will be making an appearance before that. This way, if she decides to come before then, it will be a pleasant surprise :)
On another note, I got Lydia-Bean a shoe rack today. I decided it was probably a necessity. Hahaha

In my defense, most of the shoes were not bought by me, just a few of them. :) She's got a good start to a lovely shoe wardrobe!
Other mom things...
I bought a Shrinkx Hips today - normally $55, bought it for $10. Another step toward getting back to my pre-pregnancy jeans!
I washed some more of the baby's clothes today...I accidentally (stupidly) stained some of her pink pants by putting a pair of her dark-wash jeans in the load. Argh! A lot of the blue dye came out, but they are definitely stained.
Made a fabulous dinner tonight. Well, by my standards since I don't cook. :) I made talapia on the stove, cooked in chicken broth, served on a bed of spinach and sauteed mushrooms. YUMMMM!!! I was so proud of myself! Who would have thought I would make a real meal!? That actually tasted good! Plus, I love that it was fresh food with fresh produce and a good, healthy meal. The only problem...I'm hungry again after only like an hour. Darn pregnancy!
I think that is about all I've got for today - hopefully I will EVENTUALLY be able to tell Lydia's birth story on here! Until then...Go Packers! :-D
This is what SPD is (wikipedia):
The main symptom is usually pain or discomfort in the pelvic region. This will probably be centred on the joint at the front of the pelvis (the pubis symphysis). Some sufferers report being able to hear the lower back and hip joints, the sacroiliac, clicking or popping in and out as they walk or change position. Sufferers frequently also experience pain in the lower back, hips, groin, lower abdomen, and legs. The severity of the pain can range from mild discomfort to extreme and prolonged suffering.[3] There have been links between SPD and depression on account of the associated physical discomfort.[4][5][6][7] Sufferers may walk with a characteristic waddling gait and have difficulty climbing stairs, problems with leg abduction and adduction, pain when carrying out weight bearing activities, difficulties carrying out everyday activities, and difficulties standing.
It definitely makes the end of this pregnancy less than pleasant. With that said, I am getting better at mentally preparing myself to be pregnant for at least another week. I really, honestly, don't think she will be making an appearance before that. This way, if she decides to come before then, it will be a pleasant surprise :)
On another note, I got Lydia-Bean a shoe rack today. I decided it was probably a necessity. Hahaha

In my defense, most of the shoes were not bought by me, just a few of them. :) She's got a good start to a lovely shoe wardrobe!
Other mom things...
I bought a Shrinkx Hips today - normally $55, bought it for $10. Another step toward getting back to my pre-pregnancy jeans!
I washed some more of the baby's clothes today...I accidentally (stupidly) stained some of her pink pants by putting a pair of her dark-wash jeans in the load. Argh! A lot of the blue dye came out, but they are definitely stained.
Made a fabulous dinner tonight. Well, by my standards since I don't cook. :) I made talapia on the stove, cooked in chicken broth, served on a bed of spinach and sauteed mushrooms. YUMMMM!!! I was so proud of myself! Who would have thought I would make a real meal!? That actually tasted good! Plus, I love that it was fresh food with fresh produce and a good, healthy meal. The only problem...I'm hungry again after only like an hour. Darn pregnancy!
I think that is about all I've got for today - hopefully I will EVENTUALLY be able to tell Lydia's birth story on here! Until then...Go Packers! :-D
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Can't Pass Up a Good Sale!
Toys R Us was having a HUGE sale due to remodeling...everything was 60-80% off. I just couldn't pass up all the baby clothes and shoes that were all less than $2.00! I believe Lydia's shoe wardrobe has now expanded to 19 pairs :) Yes, it is comical... I have a shoe problem that apparently extends to my baby girl. Haha On that thought, I can't wait to get a new pair of fabulous heels after this whole pregnancy thing is over. Eeek! I can't wait!!

My 39 week appointment was very uneventful, again. I still have not progressed passed 1cm dilated and "very high." I've been at this point for 3 weeks now. It begins to feel like she will never make her appearance. I am trying to get used to the thought that she is going to be late. I get so so so bored though, being at home all day every day. My wonderful MIL delivered some puzzles for me to work on - this should occupy my time for another day or so :) I don't know which thought is worse...the thought of being pregnant for another week or the thought of having nothing to do for another week. I would almost say the thought of the extreme boredom, but the combo is killer!
I just bought 2 new TaeBo DVDs from Target to combine with my Turbo Jam DVDs for my awesome post-natal workout regiment! I absolutely cannot wait to fit back into my clothes. I know it will take a while, but I'll be excited to get started. And as a little extra motivation I happened upon some 7 For All Mankind jeans at Goodwill for $14. They are bigger than my normal pre-pregnancy size, which means they will probably be the first normal jeans I fit back in :-D
I better clean up all the baby stuff I bought before DH gets home and has a heart attack ;)

My 39 week appointment was very uneventful, again. I still have not progressed passed 1cm dilated and "very high." I've been at this point for 3 weeks now. It begins to feel like she will never make her appearance. I am trying to get used to the thought that she is going to be late. I get so so so bored though, being at home all day every day. My wonderful MIL delivered some puzzles for me to work on - this should occupy my time for another day or so :) I don't know which thought is worse...the thought of being pregnant for another week or the thought of having nothing to do for another week. I would almost say the thought of the extreme boredom, but the combo is killer!
I just bought 2 new TaeBo DVDs from Target to combine with my Turbo Jam DVDs for my awesome post-natal workout regiment! I absolutely cannot wait to fit back into my clothes. I know it will take a while, but I'll be excited to get started. And as a little extra motivation I happened upon some 7 For All Mankind jeans at Goodwill for $14. They are bigger than my normal pre-pregnancy size, which means they will probably be the first normal jeans I fit back in :-D
I better clean up all the baby stuff I bought before DH gets home and has a heart attack ;)
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