This is what SPD is (wikipedia):
The main symptom is usually pain or discomfort in the pelvic region. This will probably be centred on the joint at the front of the pelvis (the pubis symphysis). Some sufferers report being able to hear the lower back and hip joints, the sacroiliac, clicking or popping in and out as they walk or change position. Sufferers frequently also experience pain in the lower back, hips, groin, lower abdomen, and legs. The severity of the pain can range from mild discomfort to extreme and prolonged suffering.[3] There have been links between SPD and depression on account of the associated physical discomfort.[4][5][6][7] Sufferers may walk with a characteristic waddling gait and have difficulty climbing stairs, problems with leg abduction and adduction, pain when carrying out weight bearing activities, difficulties carrying out everyday activities, and difficulties standing.
It definitely makes the end of this pregnancy less than pleasant. With that said, I am getting better at mentally preparing myself to be pregnant for at least another week. I really, honestly, don't think she will be making an appearance before that. This way, if she decides to come before then, it will be a pleasant surprise :)
On another note, I got Lydia-Bean a shoe rack today. I decided it was probably a necessity. Hahaha

In my defense, most of the shoes were not bought by me, just a few of them. :) She's got a good start to a lovely shoe wardrobe!
Other mom things...
I bought a Shrinkx Hips today - normally $55, bought it for $10. Another step toward getting back to my pre-pregnancy jeans!
I washed some more of the baby's clothes today...I accidentally (stupidly) stained some of her pink pants by putting a pair of her dark-wash jeans in the load. Argh! A lot of the blue dye came out, but they are definitely stained.
Made a fabulous dinner tonight. Well, by my standards since I don't cook. :) I made talapia on the stove, cooked in chicken broth, served on a bed of spinach and sauteed mushrooms. YUMMMM!!! I was so proud of myself! Who would have thought I would make a real meal!? That actually tasted good! Plus, I love that it was fresh food with fresh produce and a good, healthy meal. The only problem...I'm hungry again after only like an hour. Darn pregnancy!
I think that is about all I've got for today - hopefully I will EVENTUALLY be able to tell Lydia's birth story on here! Until then...Go Packers! :-D
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