I thought today was going to be the day! I started having light contractions last night around 9:00 or so. They were regular from 1:00am-8:00am so I figured it had to be the real thing. They never got very painful but they were definitely uncomfortable. Thinking I was actually in labor, I couldn't sleep, so I threw in "The Notebook." Around 6:30am I was quite hungry so I woke DH up to go get breakfast at Perkins. He was worried that we needed to go to the hospital right away but I convinced him to get breakfast first and told him we could then go to the hospital. During breakfast, the contractions got down to 5:30 min apart so we decided to go in to get things checked out. I should mention that after breakfast I assumed we were going to the hospital but DH decided that he no longer thought we needed to go...I think he was a little frazzled this morning. We got to the hospital and, even though I pre-registered, us checking in seemed to be quite the complicated ordeal. They kept asking me who my doctor was. I don't see a doctor. I see an NP at an Allina clinic. This seemed to thoroughly confuse them so they continued to ask who my doctor was. I was getting so irritated. The lady I talked to was so annoying, I about lost it. I had to tell her several times that I don't see a doctor, I see an NP, I pre-registered at Unity because it was closer than Mercy, where patients from the clinic I go to usually deliver. It is all the same Allina hospital system. It was not that difficult. I was so irritated with this lady that my face was red and I was rolling my eyes at her with every dumb question she asked me. That takes a lot for me. I am usually pretty good at masking my irritation. Finally, the lovely nurse sitting at the front desk decided to save me before we even finished checking in and put me in a room to be checked out. The rooms are very hospital-like but quite large, which is really nice! The nurse checked me and I was hoping for some good news. No such luck. 1+cm dilated, 50+% effaced and a station -3!!! Basically the same place I have been since 4 weeks ago!!! Argh! They sent me home with no indication that this baby was coming any time soon. The nurse said she didn't think it was "false labor," but probably just the very beginning of it. Turns out, this is no indication of when labor will actually happen. The nurse mentioned talking about induction at my appointment on Monday. I don't know how I feel about that. The very last thing I want is to end up with a C-section, which is much more likely to occur when induced. She seemed slightly concerned that baby was still SO high. Don't quite know why that is, but hopefully it isn't anything to be concerned about.
So that is where we stand. DH and I slept when we got home from the hospital, from 10:00am-5:00pm. We were quite tired. This makes me glad I decided to bake my cupcakes for the superbowl last night (I wanted to be sure to get them done in case I had my baby today! haha). DH thought I was crazy :) Half of them are green cupcakes with yellow frosting and half are yellow cupcakes with green frosting!

And last but not least, when DH ran out to get another cupcake tin last night around 2:30am, he brought me home some beautiful flowers! I guess I'll keep him around a little while longer ;)
Aw sorry about the false alarm sweetie. I've been having on and off contractions for days and it's driving me insane! I've even had some relatively painful ones, but no freakin' baby. Watch, we'll both have 'em during the Super Bowl!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh!! You're so close Brie! :)
ReplyDeleteP.S. I didn't know my brother was such a softy! That was so sweet of him and the flowers are beautiful!!
What a great hubby :)