The first full day home was the hardest, followed by yesterday in a close second. The first day we were home was Monday. I had a horrible headache since Sunday, that might have been caused by the epidural. It was awful! We had an appointment with the home visit nurse between 12-2 but I decided I needed to try to get rid of my headache asap! I went to the hospital at 10:30 to get an epidural blood patch (repeat epidural into my spine, but inject blood instead of meds). Well, I ended up getting home at 1:00, just as the home nurse was leaving :( On top of that, Lydia had already lost a pound since birth and they recommended we start supplementing 1/2 oz of formula after each feeding. I felt like i totally failed her. We left right away to see the pediatrician - Lydia was plenty healthy, just pretty hungry. The crying decreased dramatically from then on out. I was still breastfeeding her every 2 hours, then DH would give her the formula.
She started sleeping through the night. It is so nice that she is such a good sleeper but we aren't supposed to let her sleep through the night because it effects my milk supply :-\ I'm so conflicted about it.
Yesterday was a nightmare because I tried to only breastfeed her without supplementing with formula. Needless to say, I failed. She was either eating or crying all day. I finally gave in and she was content again. I wish we didn't have to give her formula, but right now, that just isn't possible...
Lydia, 1 day old:

I TOTALLY TOTALLY understand how you are feeling. I feel like you just described what happened to me with Evan. He just WOULD NOT latch, he just wanted to SLEEP. He lost over a pound after birth as well and they tried to make us supplement with formula. I was so frustrated and tired and SAD and that's when I started pumping. I exclusively pumped for him for 8 months. It was HARD, but worth it in the end. Go with your gut. No matter what, your daughter is beautiful and you can't do her wrong if you go with your instincts.