To be honest, I thought I would have the hang of things by now. I am still constantly adjusting. I suppose she is constantly changing, so it makes sense. It seems like her demeanor changes by the day. Lately, she has been kind of a crabby baby. She cries a lot, in my opinion. I wish she was one of those babies that slept all the time. But she isn't. I am very lucky that she sleeps really well at night. I just wish she wasn't so fussy during the day. Actually, fussy isn't a good word for it. She is either quiet or screaming. It takes about 3 seconds for her to go from fuss to scream. It gets to be a little much sometimes. Luckily, DH is so wonderful and gives me the break I need whenever he can.
I was able to get some good "mama time" in yesterday. DH let me sleep in until noon while he took Lydia. I didn't change a diaper all day. I went to Panera to get lunch and a Chai and read my book. I was able to go grocery shopping without worrying about Lydia waking up and screaming. DH and I went to our friend's house warming party, just the two of us, while grandma watched Lydia. It was such a nice break from the day-to-day routine. It makes me really wish the weekend was longer.
Being a stay at home mom for the past month has confirmed my thought that I could never be a stay at home mom permanently. I get too antsy. I need to have something that is my own. I need to have a life outside taking care of my child. Does that make me selfish? Maybe? DH would love being a stay at home dad. He is quite content staying at home with nothing in particular to do. We are so different in that way. Even after coming to that realization, I know that I am going to miss her terribly when I have to go back to school full time. It will be really hard. But I have a couple months still before I have to think about that.

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