I think it is possible that I might just be having a moment (a crazy moment). And before you read any further, you have to promise not to bring this up or tell DH...
I might not be so adamantly opposed to having another baby before too long.
There. I said it.
It's just that as I was holding Lydia and watching her sleep, I was so amazed that my husband and I could make such a beautiful being. I love her so much and I feel like she is going to grow up so fast and I am going to miss cuddling this amazing little person. I am excited to see her grow up, but I am going to miss having my little baby. She is already growing too fast, I just want it to slow down.
Ok, that's all I have for today :)
Hoorah!!! :) Now you just have to time it out to when I can have one! Which will be a while, but wouldn't that be fun? Plus, I don't think your thought of having another is crazy. I mean, don't you want lydia to have a playmate?