Speaking of steps, I don't know if I will ever get to the step where I fit back into my size 8 jeans. People keep telling me I will - that it will just take time. I don't know that I believe it. I realize that it has only been 6 weeks and all the weight I gained in pregnancy is not going to just fall off. I am just so far from fitting into them. I have to drop at least 3 sizes. Ugh! I have never lost that much weight before. I have always been around the same size since I was in ninth grade. I don't think I know how to lose that much weight.
If I were to change one thing about what I did during pregnancy, I would have been much more careful about what I ate. It was really hard for me, especially being so sick in the first trimester. This lead to me eating (pretzels) constantly and I instantly stopped all exercise. I don't know that there is much I could do about that, but I should have picked back up with exercising and eating right after the morning sickness subsided. Lesson learned.
I am getting pretty used to this being a mom thing. It is a slow process and I have learned so much since Little Bean was born, and I still have so much to learn, but things are getting better. We both have our good days and our bad days, and I'm sure that will continue...forever. Luckily, we generally don't have our bad days on the same day. Generally. I still get a little stressed when she cries. Especially when it is the hysterical, inconsolable crying. I also still get stressed when DH takes care of her. Not because I don't trust him, but because I get nervous that he won't be able to console her. I need to get over that. It just puts added stress on me when I think I am the only one that can console her. He really does a good job with her most of the time and he is getting better by the day.
I went on a little bit of an outfit buying binge for Lydia the past couple days. Of course I got everything on sale and it is all so cute! I can't wait for her to wear her cute new hat I got her! :) I also got her an adorable Gap denim jumper from Once Upon a Child for $4.50! I was so excited and it looked adorable on her!

Omigoodness, those outfits are so cute on her! I'm so glad things are coming along so quickly for you. I honestly think that you're doing a wonderful job on losing the pregnancy weight, you look thinner and thinner everytime I see you! I wish I could do that!!! lol :) You are one beautiful mama!