-Wake up between 9 and 10am
-Feed Lydia 3 oz, change diaper
-Lydia sits in her bouncy seat in the bathroom with the fan on while I brush my teeth and make my hair somewhat presentable (I do my makeup and get dressed if I am going somewhere besides the store)
-I straighten up the kitchen (bottles), eat breakfast and check my email until Lydia decides she has had enough of the bouncy seat
-Lydia and I let Palmer and Roxy outside
-Watch the Price is Right from 10-11
-Lydia eats another 3 oz, change diaper
-Watch TV and do laundry (Lydia briefly naps)
-Feed Lydia 3 oz
-Run errands (We get out of the house every day). Usually we make a trip to Target to pick up some groceries or baby items. Lydia generally sleeps the whole time.
-Feed Lydia 3 oz, Change diaper
-Do some more laundry, watch TV, Nap-time, tummy time
-6:00 papa gets home!
-7:00-9:00 mama watched primetime TV show (Bachelor, Biggest Loser, American Idol...)
-Me and DH shower while Lydia sits in her bouncy chair
-I get some alone time to read
-Bed time is around 10:30
-Lydia wakes up around 4:00 and 8:00 to eat
That is our life in a nutshell :)

LOVE that bottom pic. She is growing up so fast! I had an alarm go off on my phone the other day that said 'lydia's birthday!' except that i must have put it into the wrong month but it made me realize she was now a month old!! Holy poop! Seems like just yesterday :)