*Mike (26) & Brie (25) Married 08.04.2007 *Lydia Jill - 2/10/2011 *Adeline Renae - 2/03/2013

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
This is Going To Sound Crazy
I think it is possible that I might just be having a moment (a crazy moment). And before you read any further, you have to promise not to bring this up or tell DH...
I might not be so adamantly opposed to having another baby before too long.
There. I said it.
It's just that as I was holding Lydia and watching her sleep, I was so amazed that my husband and I could make such a beautiful being. I love her so much and I feel like she is going to grow up so fast and I am going to miss cuddling this amazing little person. I am excited to see her grow up, but I am going to miss having my little baby. She is already growing too fast, I just want it to slow down.
Ok, that's all I have for today :)
I might not be so adamantly opposed to having another baby before too long.
There. I said it.
It's just that as I was holding Lydia and watching her sleep, I was so amazed that my husband and I could make such a beautiful being. I love her so much and I feel like she is going to grow up so fast and I am going to miss cuddling this amazing little person. I am excited to see her grow up, but I am going to miss having my little baby. She is already growing too fast, I just want it to slow down.
Ok, that's all I have for today :)
Monday, March 28, 2011
Our Schedule - Re-Vamped
Our schedule has changed quite a bit since Spring is attempting to make it's appearance. Attempting is the key word, I suppose. Our schedule the past 2 weeks:
Get up for good around 9:30-10:00
Change diaper
Feed Little Bean 2-3 oz of formula
Mom does Turbo Jam while Lydia watches and dances :)
Cat nap for Bean
Feed 2-3 oz
Go for walk (usually 1+ hours) with Lydia napping in Moby wrap
Run errands/play date
Feeding and nap
Papa gets home!
Mama does housework and cooks dinner
Primetime TV (7-9:00)
Family takes shower
Bedtime around 10:00-10:30pm
1st Morning feeding around 5-5:30 (breast feed then papa gives bottle)
Nurse every 2 hours until we are up for the day
That's our life in a nutshell these days :) I'm headed to my 6 week appointment - we'll see what my weight is, and how much I have to lose! Eeeek!!!
Get up for good around 9:30-10:00
Change diaper
Feed Little Bean 2-3 oz of formula
Mom does Turbo Jam while Lydia watches and dances :)
Cat nap for Bean
Feed 2-3 oz
Go for walk (usually 1+ hours) with Lydia napping in Moby wrap
Run errands/play date
Feeding and nap
Papa gets home!
Mama does housework and cooks dinner
Primetime TV (7-9:00)
Family takes shower
Bedtime around 10:00-10:30pm
1st Morning feeding around 5-5:30 (breast feed then papa gives bottle)
Nurse every 2 hours until we are up for the day
That's our life in a nutshell these days :) I'm headed to my 6 week appointment - we'll see what my weight is, and how much I have to lose! Eeeek!!!
Friday, March 25, 2011
I did it!
I got my wedding ring back on!!! Yippee!!! It may not seem like a big deal, but I haven't been able to wear it in a long time and it is one step closer to the old me. I was a little worried it wouldn't fit again. I didn't put my wedding band back on, in case there isn't enough room on my finger. It is still bigger than it used to be and I don't think both rings would fit. I guess I'll save that step for another day.
Speaking of steps, I don't know if I will ever get to the step where I fit back into my size 8 jeans. People keep telling me I will - that it will just take time. I don't know that I believe it. I realize that it has only been 6 weeks and all the weight I gained in pregnancy is not going to just fall off. I am just so far from fitting into them. I have to drop at least 3 sizes. Ugh! I have never lost that much weight before. I have always been around the same size since I was in ninth grade. I don't think I know how to lose that much weight.
If I were to change one thing about what I did during pregnancy, I would have been much more careful about what I ate. It was really hard for me, especially being so sick in the first trimester. This lead to me eating (pretzels) constantly and I instantly stopped all exercise. I don't know that there is much I could do about that, but I should have picked back up with exercising and eating right after the morning sickness subsided. Lesson learned.
I am getting pretty used to this being a mom thing. It is a slow process and I have learned so much since Little Bean was born, and I still have so much to learn, but things are getting better. We both have our good days and our bad days, and I'm sure that will continue...forever. Luckily, we generally don't have our bad days on the same day. Generally. I still get a little stressed when she cries. Especially when it is the hysterical, inconsolable crying. I also still get stressed when DH takes care of her. Not because I don't trust him, but because I get nervous that he won't be able to console her. I need to get over that. It just puts added stress on me when I think I am the only one that can console her. He really does a good job with her most of the time and he is getting better by the day.
I went on a little bit of an outfit buying binge for Lydia the past couple days. Of course I got everything on sale and it is all so cute! I can't wait for her to wear her cute new hat I got her! :) I also got her an adorable Gap denim jumper from Once Upon a Child for $4.50! I was so excited and it looked adorable on her!

Speaking of steps, I don't know if I will ever get to the step where I fit back into my size 8 jeans. People keep telling me I will - that it will just take time. I don't know that I believe it. I realize that it has only been 6 weeks and all the weight I gained in pregnancy is not going to just fall off. I am just so far from fitting into them. I have to drop at least 3 sizes. Ugh! I have never lost that much weight before. I have always been around the same size since I was in ninth grade. I don't think I know how to lose that much weight.
If I were to change one thing about what I did during pregnancy, I would have been much more careful about what I ate. It was really hard for me, especially being so sick in the first trimester. This lead to me eating (pretzels) constantly and I instantly stopped all exercise. I don't know that there is much I could do about that, but I should have picked back up with exercising and eating right after the morning sickness subsided. Lesson learned.
I am getting pretty used to this being a mom thing. It is a slow process and I have learned so much since Little Bean was born, and I still have so much to learn, but things are getting better. We both have our good days and our bad days, and I'm sure that will continue...forever. Luckily, we generally don't have our bad days on the same day. Generally. I still get a little stressed when she cries. Especially when it is the hysterical, inconsolable crying. I also still get stressed when DH takes care of her. Not because I don't trust him, but because I get nervous that he won't be able to console her. I need to get over that. It just puts added stress on me when I think I am the only one that can console her. He really does a good job with her most of the time and he is getting better by the day.
I went on a little bit of an outfit buying binge for Lydia the past couple days. Of course I got everything on sale and it is all so cute! I can't wait for her to wear her cute new hat I got her! :) I also got her an adorable Gap denim jumper from Once Upon a Child for $4.50! I was so excited and it looked adorable on her!

Monday, March 21, 2011
Her Love is Like a Rollercoaster (Baby, Baby)
It took me almost 4 weeks to really feel a bond with Little Bean. It was worth the wait though. I love her so so so much! I can soothe her crying much more effectively now, which decreases my stress level tremendously. With that said, this little one is so unpredictable. She'll have good days and she'll have bad days. It gets to be a little much sometimes. I don't know if she is an excessive crier or if she cries a normal amount for a newborn. It seems like she is a bit overly finicky. I would definitely classify her as a high maintenance baby. It makes it hard for other people to watch her because it is hard to soothe her crying without knowing what to try. And if you don't figure it out quick, she gets hysterical. It all goes down hill from there.
Even still, I love her sooooooo much!
I have been doing really well keeping up with my Tae Bo and Turbo Jam workouts. I forgot how much I like Turbo Jam. It is fun and such a good workout! Lydia and I have been going on about 1 hour long walks every day too (Thanks to our wonderful Moby Wrap). I love it and she sleeps! The whole time! It is getting cold again this week with snow in the forecast for tomorrow. Blech! No walking for us the next couple days. Now I just have to remember to be patient with my body - it isn't just going to snap back to what it was. My goal is to get back into my pre-pregnancy jeans by the time I go back to school. That gives me another 8 weeks. Doable. I know at some point in those next 2 months, I am going to expect to be closer to my goal than I actually am, but that is just me I guess.
Even still, I love her sooooooo much!
I have been doing really well keeping up with my Tae Bo and Turbo Jam workouts. I forgot how much I like Turbo Jam. It is fun and such a good workout! Lydia and I have been going on about 1 hour long walks every day too (Thanks to our wonderful Moby Wrap). I love it and she sleeps! The whole time! It is getting cold again this week with snow in the forecast for tomorrow. Blech! No walking for us the next couple days. Now I just have to remember to be patient with my body - it isn't just going to snap back to what it was. My goal is to get back into my pre-pregnancy jeans by the time I go back to school. That gives me another 8 weeks. Doable. I know at some point in those next 2 months, I am going to expect to be closer to my goal than I actually am, but that is just me I guess.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Must Haves: Age 0-5 weeks
We have just about every baby item anyone could possible imagine. But so far, there have been a few staples that have made life with a baby much easier - essentials, you could say.
1. My DH
2. Bouncy chair - The only thing she will sit content in, and maybe even fall asleep in. Such a lifesaver when I have to go to the bathroom or take a shower.
3. Soothies pacifier - The only pacifier she will take
4. Formula - I tried to exclusively breastfeed, but wasn't making enough and starving my Little Bean. :( Thank goodness there is formula!
5. Moby wrap - Probably the best $35 I have ever spent! She is asleep within moments of putting her in this and stays asleep while I do dishes, laundry, check my email, go for walks, etc...
6. gDiapers - These are the only diapers she fits in well so far since she is such a little peanut. We have 7 of them and they are soooooo easy to use and wash. Perfect for travel also! We just pack the flushable/biodegradable inserts in the diaper bag and 1 gPant cover and off we go!
7. Yoga ball (for soothing baby) - Pretty consistently soothes her crying when we bounce on it
8. Boppy - She sleeps in it between DH and I in bed and lets me have my arms back when I sleep! :)
9. Nursing tank tops (Target: $16.99) - They are so comfortable, They aren't noticeable nursing tops and it is so easy to nurse her anytime anywhere. I have 3 in rotation and it is perfect!
10. Black yoga pants - Without these, I would constantly be bummed that I don't fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans. And would have to go pantless much of the time ;) Hehe
I think that about covers our "must haves" for the first 5 weeks...
Our schedule has changes up quite a bit. As of Tuesday of this past week I started working out again and man, does it feel good! I am rotating between Tae Bo and Turbo Jam. It feels so good to do something for myself, and I think Lydia has a good time sitting in her bouncy chair watching mama look like a fool ;) She usually makes it nearly to the end of the workout before she starts fussing and wants to be held. Most of the time I can hold her off until the workout is over by switching her to her swing and giving her the pacifier. We have also started going for a walk every day now that the weather is getting nicer. I love getting the fresh air and Lydia sleeps in the Moby the entire time. This is probably the highlight of our days. Those two things take up the morning and then we run our errands and the afternoon is spent relaxing and waiting for papa to get home from work. The sleep schedule is still pretty much the same.
I'm really hoping everything continues to go so smooth, but I hear there is a 6 week growth spurt, which will probably throw everything off again ;)
1. My DH
2. Bouncy chair - The only thing she will sit content in, and maybe even fall asleep in. Such a lifesaver when I have to go to the bathroom or take a shower.
3. Soothies pacifier - The only pacifier she will take
4. Formula - I tried to exclusively breastfeed, but wasn't making enough and starving my Little Bean. :( Thank goodness there is formula!
5. Moby wrap - Probably the best $35 I have ever spent! She is asleep within moments of putting her in this and stays asleep while I do dishes, laundry, check my email, go for walks, etc...
6. gDiapers - These are the only diapers she fits in well so far since she is such a little peanut. We have 7 of them and they are soooooo easy to use and wash. Perfect for travel also! We just pack the flushable/biodegradable inserts in the diaper bag and 1 gPant cover and off we go!
7. Yoga ball (for soothing baby) - Pretty consistently soothes her crying when we bounce on it
8. Boppy - She sleeps in it between DH and I in bed and lets me have my arms back when I sleep! :)
9. Nursing tank tops (Target: $16.99) - They are so comfortable, They aren't noticeable nursing tops and it is so easy to nurse her anytime anywhere. I have 3 in rotation and it is perfect!
10. Black yoga pants - Without these, I would constantly be bummed that I don't fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans. And would have to go pantless much of the time ;) Hehe
I think that about covers our "must haves" for the first 5 weeks...
Our schedule has changes up quite a bit. As of Tuesday of this past week I started working out again and man, does it feel good! I am rotating between Tae Bo and Turbo Jam. It feels so good to do something for myself, and I think Lydia has a good time sitting in her bouncy chair watching mama look like a fool ;) She usually makes it nearly to the end of the workout before she starts fussing and wants to be held. Most of the time I can hold her off until the workout is over by switching her to her swing and giving her the pacifier. We have also started going for a walk every day now that the weather is getting nicer. I love getting the fresh air and Lydia sleeps in the Moby the entire time. This is probably the highlight of our days. Those two things take up the morning and then we run our errands and the afternoon is spent relaxing and waiting for papa to get home from work. The sleep schedule is still pretty much the same.
I'm really hoping everything continues to go so smooth, but I hear there is a 6 week growth spurt, which will probably throw everything off again ;)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
So Much Better!
Lydia has been so so so much better since Monday. We reduced the amount she gets per feeding to 2 oz instead of 3 oz, and it seems to have really done the trick. She is spitting up less and the most important thing, she seems to be much more comfortable therefore is crying less. Thank the Lord! Of course, that means she eats more frequently, but we have all been much happier :) I did take her to the pediatrician yesterday. The Dr. thought that she probably does have reflux and wrote her a prescription for baby Zantac. So we are going to put her on that to see how she does, in hopes we can increase to 3 oz again and not feed her so often. Even if it doesn't seem to work, I am so happy with how much better she is doing. She is gaining weight like a champ too! She is up to 8 lbs 12 oz. BIIIIG GIRL!
Other exciting news, she SMILED at me on Monday - on purpose! I thought it was possible that it was a fluke, but then she smiled 3 more times that day! Once at a friend, once at my mom and TWICE at my dad! It was the sweetest thing I have ever seen! I was so excited. She hasn't done it since Monday though. I guess I'm not entertaining enough ;)
Our Moby wrap arrived in the mail yesterday from diapers.com. So excited! It took a little practice to get the hang of how to wrap it, but we were successful today! She actually fell asleep in it! YES! I was able to wash dishes and do laundry while she slept. It was wonderful. Also accomplished in the last couple of days, working out. I have been looking forward to being able to work out for so long and I was able to start back up yesterday. Lydia sat in her bouncy chair in the bathroom for a little while and when she got fussy I put her in her swing in the living room with me. I think watching me do Tae Bo was entertaining enough to keep her content for a while. Today, when she got fussy again, I brought her bouncy chair out in the living room and she sat in it with a couple fusses here and there until I was done. We have made a lot of progress in the last couple of days! :)
Moby, Try #1:

Moby, Try #2:
Other exciting news, she SMILED at me on Monday - on purpose! I thought it was possible that it was a fluke, but then she smiled 3 more times that day! Once at a friend, once at my mom and TWICE at my dad! It was the sweetest thing I have ever seen! I was so excited. She hasn't done it since Monday though. I guess I'm not entertaining enough ;)
Our Moby wrap arrived in the mail yesterday from diapers.com. So excited! It took a little practice to get the hang of how to wrap it, but we were successful today! She actually fell asleep in it! YES! I was able to wash dishes and do laundry while she slept. It was wonderful. Also accomplished in the last couple of days, working out. I have been looking forward to being able to work out for so long and I was able to start back up yesterday. Lydia sat in her bouncy chair in the bathroom for a little while and when she got fussy I put her in her swing in the living room with me. I think watching me do Tae Bo was entertaining enough to keep her content for a while. Today, when she got fussy again, I brought her bouncy chair out in the living room and she sat in it with a couple fusses here and there until I was done. We have made a lot of progress in the last couple of days! :)
Moby, Try #1:

Moby, Try #2:

Monday, March 14, 2011
I should be sleeping right now, but the problem solving side of me (and the threat of screaming baby for much longer) has me up researching what could be wrong with her, if anything.
After a couple hours of research, I think she has reflux. The symptoms seem to fit: spitting up/throwing up, poor sleep habits during the day, frequent and persistent crying that comes on suddenly, frequent feeding, hiccups (which she gets after almost every feeding), desire to be constantly held...
I'm going to try to get her into the pediatrician tomorrow or Tuesday. Hopefully there is something we can do to help her. It seems like the most common remedies are Zantac and keeping the baby upright as much as possible. I am seriously contemplating getting the Rock and Play Sleeper. It is $50, but it has gotten rave reviews, especially from moms of babies with reflux.

I guess I'll see what the doctor says first.
Hopefully we will get this baby happy in no time - for her sake, and my sanity.
Ok, 3 posts in the last several hours might be it for a while as I go back to having only one hand for the week. Although, I ordered a Moby wrap from Diapers.com that is supposed to be here Wednesday - Fingers crossed!
After a couple hours of research, I think she has reflux. The symptoms seem to fit: spitting up/throwing up, poor sleep habits during the day, frequent and persistent crying that comes on suddenly, frequent feeding, hiccups (which she gets after almost every feeding), desire to be constantly held...
I'm going to try to get her into the pediatrician tomorrow or Tuesday. Hopefully there is something we can do to help her. It seems like the most common remedies are Zantac and keeping the baby upright as much as possible. I am seriously contemplating getting the Rock and Play Sleeper. It is $50, but it has gotten rave reviews, especially from moms of babies with reflux.

I guess I'll see what the doctor says first.
Hopefully we will get this baby happy in no time - for her sake, and my sanity.
Ok, 3 posts in the last several hours might be it for a while as I go back to having only one hand for the week. Although, I ordered a Moby wrap from Diapers.com that is supposed to be here Wednesday - Fingers crossed!

Sunday, March 13, 2011
Mike's Guest Post
So this has been quite the adventure so far! There isn't anything quite like it. Even with all the midnight feedings, being peed on practically daily and a whole lot of screaming I wouldn't change a thing.
As the both of us get more used to being parents it doesn't seem to be getting any easier. For whatever reason she is incredibly fussy, pretty much all the time. All the time being when she's not sleeping or eating. It is really frustrating when she was just fed and instead of being a happy and content baby, she screams. Not a, I'm unhappy kind of crying, but a full on, I'm losing it scream. Pretty sure she's crazy.
On a brighter note, she sleeps really well at night. Most nights she'll get up once between the time we go to bed and the time I'm getting up for work. Plus her and Brie can stay in bed late enough to give Brie a decent nights sleep.
Parenthood is unbelievable and I couldn't ask for a cuter and more wonderful daughter or amazing wife! While it has been frustrating, tiring and messy she is totally worth it.
As the both of us get more used to being parents it doesn't seem to be getting any easier. For whatever reason she is incredibly fussy, pretty much all the time. All the time being when she's not sleeping or eating. It is really frustrating when she was just fed and instead of being a happy and content baby, she screams. Not a, I'm unhappy kind of crying, but a full on, I'm losing it scream. Pretty sure she's crazy.
On a brighter note, she sleeps really well at night. Most nights she'll get up once between the time we go to bed and the time I'm getting up for work. Plus her and Brie can stay in bed late enough to give Brie a decent nights sleep.
Parenthood is unbelievable and I couldn't ask for a cuter and more wonderful daughter or amazing wife! While it has been frustrating, tiring and messy she is totally worth it.
One Month and Counting
My baby girl is already 4 1/2 weeks old. I can't hardly believe it! Every day seems like it is very very long, waiting for DH to get home. Yet, it seems like just yesterday I was desperately hoping our baby would come out. Very strange.
To be honest, I thought I would have the hang of things by now. I am still constantly adjusting. I suppose she is constantly changing, so it makes sense. It seems like her demeanor changes by the day. Lately, she has been kind of a crabby baby. She cries a lot, in my opinion. I wish she was one of those babies that slept all the time. But she isn't. I am very lucky that she sleeps really well at night. I just wish she wasn't so fussy during the day. Actually, fussy isn't a good word for it. She is either quiet or screaming. It takes about 3 seconds for her to go from fuss to scream. It gets to be a little much sometimes. Luckily, DH is so wonderful and gives me the break I need whenever he can.
I was able to get some good "mama time" in yesterday. DH let me sleep in until noon while he took Lydia. I didn't change a diaper all day. I went to Panera to get lunch and a Chai and read my book. I was able to go grocery shopping without worrying about Lydia waking up and screaming. DH and I went to our friend's house warming party, just the two of us, while grandma watched Lydia. It was such a nice break from the day-to-day routine. It makes me really wish the weekend was longer.
Being a stay at home mom for the past month has confirmed my thought that I could never be a stay at home mom permanently. I get too antsy. I need to have something that is my own. I need to have a life outside taking care of my child. Does that make me selfish? Maybe? DH would love being a stay at home dad. He is quite content staying at home with nothing in particular to do. We are so different in that way. Even after coming to that realization, I know that I am going to miss her terribly when I have to go back to school full time. It will be really hard. But I have a couple months still before I have to think about that.

To be honest, I thought I would have the hang of things by now. I am still constantly adjusting. I suppose she is constantly changing, so it makes sense. It seems like her demeanor changes by the day. Lately, she has been kind of a crabby baby. She cries a lot, in my opinion. I wish she was one of those babies that slept all the time. But she isn't. I am very lucky that she sleeps really well at night. I just wish she wasn't so fussy during the day. Actually, fussy isn't a good word for it. She is either quiet or screaming. It takes about 3 seconds for her to go from fuss to scream. It gets to be a little much sometimes. Luckily, DH is so wonderful and gives me the break I need whenever he can.
I was able to get some good "mama time" in yesterday. DH let me sleep in until noon while he took Lydia. I didn't change a diaper all day. I went to Panera to get lunch and a Chai and read my book. I was able to go grocery shopping without worrying about Lydia waking up and screaming. DH and I went to our friend's house warming party, just the two of us, while grandma watched Lydia. It was such a nice break from the day-to-day routine. It makes me really wish the weekend was longer.
Being a stay at home mom for the past month has confirmed my thought that I could never be a stay at home mom permanently. I get too antsy. I need to have something that is my own. I need to have a life outside taking care of my child. Does that make me selfish? Maybe? DH would love being a stay at home dad. He is quite content staying at home with nothing in particular to do. We are so different in that way. Even after coming to that realization, I know that I am going to miss her terribly when I have to go back to school full time. It will be really hard. But I have a couple months still before I have to think about that.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Our Daily "Routine"
We haven't technically gotten into a routine yet, but I try to have some sort of structure to the day. So here it is:
-Wake up between 9 and 10am
-Feed Lydia 3 oz, change diaper
-Lydia sits in her bouncy seat in the bathroom with the fan on while I brush my teeth and make my hair somewhat presentable (I do my makeup and get dressed if I am going somewhere besides the store)
-I straighten up the kitchen (bottles), eat breakfast and check my email until Lydia decides she has had enough of the bouncy seat
-Lydia and I let Palmer and Roxy outside
-Watch the Price is Right from 10-11
-Lydia eats another 3 oz, change diaper
-Watch TV and do laundry (Lydia briefly naps)
-Feed Lydia 3 oz
-Run errands (We get out of the house every day). Usually we make a trip to Target to pick up some groceries or baby items. Lydia generally sleeps the whole time.
-Feed Lydia 3 oz, Change diaper
-Do some more laundry, watch TV, Nap-time, tummy time
-6:00 papa gets home!
-7:00-9:00 mama watched primetime TV show (Bachelor, Biggest Loser, American Idol...)
-Me and DH shower while Lydia sits in her bouncy chair
-I get some alone time to read
-Bed time is around 10:30
-Lydia wakes up around 4:00 and 8:00 to eat
That is our life in a nutshell :)

-Wake up between 9 and 10am
-Feed Lydia 3 oz, change diaper
-Lydia sits in her bouncy seat in the bathroom with the fan on while I brush my teeth and make my hair somewhat presentable (I do my makeup and get dressed if I am going somewhere besides the store)
-I straighten up the kitchen (bottles), eat breakfast and check my email until Lydia decides she has had enough of the bouncy seat
-Lydia and I let Palmer and Roxy outside
-Watch the Price is Right from 10-11
-Lydia eats another 3 oz, change diaper
-Watch TV and do laundry (Lydia briefly naps)
-Feed Lydia 3 oz
-Run errands (We get out of the house every day). Usually we make a trip to Target to pick up some groceries or baby items. Lydia generally sleeps the whole time.
-Feed Lydia 3 oz, Change diaper
-Do some more laundry, watch TV, Nap-time, tummy time
-6:00 papa gets home!
-7:00-9:00 mama watched primetime TV show (Bachelor, Biggest Loser, American Idol...)
-Me and DH shower while Lydia sits in her bouncy chair
-I get some alone time to read
-Bed time is around 10:30
-Lydia wakes up around 4:00 and 8:00 to eat
That is our life in a nutshell :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Birth Announcement - Round 1
I got a free $20 to spend on birth announcements at Shutterfly - So here they are! Too bad the $20 only gets me 15 announcements. I will have to work on getting more :)

In other news: Lydia will be 1 month old on Thursday, already! That was fast! So far, week #3 has been the easiest. We started to get into more of a routine and Lydia has been eating and sleeping like a champ! Today has been a different story. She has been quite fussy all day. If she isn't eating or sleeping, she is fussing or crying. Growth spurt maybe? All I have to remember is, "this too shall pass."
I get a lot of comments about "The next one." The pregnancy and birth are still WAY too fresh in my mind to even consider another one. Not to mention the post-pregnancy body I am faced with and the stress of raising (and trying to keep happy) a newborn. So, officially, I am saying another one is not in the near future!
Floral Contour Pink Birth Announcement
Shutterfly has cute baby announcements and Valentine's Day cards.
View the entire collection of cards.
In other news: Lydia will be 1 month old on Thursday, already! That was fast! So far, week #3 has been the easiest. We started to get into more of a routine and Lydia has been eating and sleeping like a champ! Today has been a different story. She has been quite fussy all day. If she isn't eating or sleeping, she is fussing or crying. Growth spurt maybe? All I have to remember is, "this too shall pass."
I get a lot of comments about "The next one." The pregnancy and birth are still WAY too fresh in my mind to even consider another one. Not to mention the post-pregnancy body I am faced with and the stress of raising (and trying to keep happy) a newborn. So, officially, I am saying another one is not in the near future!
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