I was thinking earlier about what I should leave for people to get us for a baby shower. I don't want to leave any big stuff really, because I don't want people to spend a lot of money on us. So, I figured I would suggest some of my bargain stores:
1. TJ Max
2. Nordstrom Rack
3. Garage sales
4. Mode (Maple Grove)
5. Etsy shops
6. Stores that are having big sales (Like Gymboree and BabiesRUs)
That's all I can think of right now...but I am sure I will think of more eventually :)
I've been feeling quite pregnant lately. Food aversions, nausea (luckily no vomiting yet *knock on wood*), heightened sense of smell, "growing pains," fatigue, and varying moods. Oh yeah, and we can't forget the ever-growing baby belly :) I was hoping the nausea was going to be short lived, but it seems to want to stick around for a while. It happens to want to accompany me ALL day. Lovely. I keep trying to remind myself that it is a good thing and it means that our little bean is nice and happy in there...even is mama isn't! I am getting better at dealing with it. With the nausea comes strong food aversions. They aren't the same things throughout the day. At times I can't even imagine eating sweets, and other times they sound pretty good. I don't crave sweets like a crave salty foods though. I haven't had any strong cravings yet, which I am thankful for. Although, I might develop a love for dill pickles. I had 2 at Panera today (I asked the nice lady at the register for a couple) and they were ridiculously delicious! Yuuuuummmmm! The other things that have been helping are my organic Queasy Drops. The peppermint ones are delicious!
As for the "growing pains," I thought something might be wrong... I get aching pains in my lower right side/abdomen when I have to pee. Then I got sharp pains on my right side when I stood up too fast today. I've had pulling and cramps on my right side since before I knew I was pregnant, but the fact that it is persisting made me a little worried. I read about round ligament pain (on google) and it seemed to fit the bill. All it is is stretching and pulling of the ligaments that support my rapidly growing uterus. So I am gonna go with that for now and try not to worry about it. My first ultrasound is rapidly approaching, so I guess we'll find out on Wednesday how things are going in there!
My mood has been a little up and down the last few day, which is typical for this week of this week in pregnancy (so I read). I'm just hoping the anxiousness goes away soon. Haha I'm beginning to think I'm about ready for the first trimester to be over :-D But I am sooooo glad little bean is growing in there!!
I got DH a little something for father's day! I can't write what it is because sometimes he gets a little nosy and reads my blog :-O But I hope he feels appreciated. I just know he is going to be a fabulous daddy!
I went to yoga this morning at Lululemon in Minneapolis (Free yoga - Saturdays at 9:30am). I forgot how much I love yoga...but I was definitely reminded how long it has been since I've done it! I was sooooooooo no flexible. It still felt good though! I plan on doing the new prenatal yoga DVD I just bought from Target. I hope it is a good one!!!!
Happy Father's Day to all the Papas!!!
I would suggest Walmart and Target, they are pretty reasonable. :) Grats hun!!