1. I am NOT a writer. I am in dental school. I do science and math and things of those sorts. I am not a writer. However, I don't mind writing and hey, maybe I'll improve my skills through this process.
2. I an awful speller. I know this, but I do my best. Luckily there is spell check :)
3. I like smiley faces. I use them abundantly.
4. I hope someone finds this blog helpful or interesting or inspiring or something!
5. I am on a baby forum and I am used to using all the abbreviations and nuances on that community site. If confused, ask. Or look up all the abbreviations on Baby Center.
Ok, that should be enough of a preface for now.
DH (dear husband) and I just knew. We knew when we were ready to get married. It was like a light went on and we knew we were ready to commit and spend our ENTIRE lives together - we were ready for the next step. DH was 19, I was 18 years old when we got engaged. Married 1 year later. Strange? Not for us. We were so excited to be starting a new chapter in our lives - we told everyone! The responses we received were a mixed bag, well a mixed bag of "don't do it," "you're too young," "you need to date more people first," and my personal favorite, "you have your whole lives ahead of you." Yeah, thanks. I never thought about any of those things. I was really disappointed by the responses we got. I was expecting love and support, instead we got the gamut of opinions from everyone and their mother (figuratively, and sometimes literally). DH and I are coming up on a happy 3 years of marriage. I hate to say it (no I don't), but so far, 'I told you so!'
We were not about to make the same mistake twice. We learned our lesson. Well, I learned my lesson. As with marriage, I just knew. DH, not so much, but I knew. We had always planned on waiting until I was done with dental school to expand our family. But you can't always plan these things. It was the impromptu trip to Guatemala to visit my best friend that pushed me into the deep end and there was no turning back. As I was sitting in my comfy upgraded plane seat on my way back home I came to the realization I am content with the running around the world on various trips I have done and I am ready for the next stage. I have had my adventures and I am ready for a little baby growing in my belly! DH did not have such an epiphany. Ha. We discussed, and deliberated, and waited and he gave us the GREEN LIGHT! So here we are.
Month #1: I was oblivious to anything regarding pregnancy or having a baby. I didn't know when I O'd (ovulated), I had no idea how to figure it out. I had no idea how many people had trouble TTC (trying to conceive). It was a learning process. Stressful? I guess maybe a little bit. I just figured we could do a lot of BDing (baby dancing) and BAM, it would happen. Not so. I found out that there is only a 20-25% chance each month of getting pg - that is if you do everything correctly. Crap. This might take a while. So in the mean time, I figured I would get prepared. How to get prepared for a baby you are not pregnant with, you ask? The same way I prepared for a wedding I was not engaged for yet - SHOPPING!!! I guess the first thing I want to explain is, I may or may not do things a little backwards. I had my wedding dress before I was engaged and well, why should preparing for a little one be any different? So, garage sales were my love for an entire weekend (Wednesday-Saturday). To date, I have acquired:
- 2 car seats (possibly 3)
- 1 stroller (possibly 2)
- Baby sling
- Breast pump
- Pack & Play
- Crib (with bedding)
- Bassinet
- Baby shoes
- Baby blankets
- Baby bouncer
- 2 boxes full of baby clothes
- Bag of Soothies
Need I continue???? I knew it was wishful thinking but I was thinking I was pregnant last month. I was extremely tired and was having very real dreams, which I guess can be a pregnancy symptom? I took a pregnancy test the day AF (aunt flow) was due. BFN (big fat negative). Hmmmm... well the 3 day wait until AF showed was torture. Strike 1.
Month 2: I think I am ready now. I have started taking pre-natals and I've cut out the alcohol during the 2 week wait and cut down on the caffeine. This time around has been much less stressful. I know I O'd (got a +OPK). We BD'd around that date. Text book. Now we wait. I don't know that I feel pg. But I remain hopeful. AF is due Thursday. Planning to test Saturday, before DH cousin's baby shower. Could be a rough day. Maybe I will wait until Sunday.
To hold me over...the pups might keep me occupied :)

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