1. I've gained 8 LBS already! - YIKES!
2. My NP told me I should gain between 25-30 lbs...over the next 7.5 months. At this rate, I'm gonna be as big as a house.
3. I can eat tuna 2x/week.
4. I am supposedly due February 8th.
5. That due date could change when they take a look at the ULTRASOUND next week!! :)
6. I have to go to the doctor every month, every other week and then every week the closer I get to full term.
7. I am not allowed to travel in a car for more than an hour once I reach 35 weeks...this means visiting family in IL for Christmas is most likely a no-no.
8. Morning sickness is supposed to be a good thing... good or not, I HATE PUKING!!!
9. We don't find out the sex of the baby until 20 weeks. September 20th. That is so far from now!
10. I will be delivered by whatever on-call OB/GYN that is at the hospital at the time. That is kind of interesting, but I don't think I'll be that picky anyways. They just need to get it out, safely, and NO C-SECTION. Absolutely not!
I haven't even read through all the reading material yet.
OH YEAH, I almost forgot! They took my blood and it HURT!!!! OUCH! DH tried to distract me, but it didn't work. They are testing for STDs, other diseases and my Rh status. I wonder when I get my results?
In other news (good?), I am outgrowing my bras already. That was fast. I really hope I don't keep growing at the rate I'm going...except my belly of course ;)
My cloth diapers were are all shipped and they should start rolling in this week!!! I can't wait! :) I bought kind of a lot of them (I lost track of how many exactly), but I think I will need a lot of them. Plus, I got them for such good deals!
DH's birthday tomorrow - still have no idea what I am going to do for him. Sigh!
Ok, that's all I have for now - I have to study for exams and quizzes (5 total in the next week and a half). AND I'm watching the Bachelorette ;) Hehehe
Something SOOOO cute to leave you with (www.zulily.com):

yay! i'm glad your appointment went well!
ReplyDeleteVS is a must then since you're growing so fast haha :)
and i am buying that outfit, it's decided...if i'm going to have a niece that is :)