Lil Joey (2PK) Root Beer, Platinum: $29.95 (www.clothbottom.com)

How to Video: http://www.greenmountaindiapers.com/videos/video1.wmv
Buying Cloth Diapers in Minnesota:
251 Snelling Ave S
St. Paul, MN 55105
1137 Grand Avenue
St. Paul • MN 55105
1010 Mainstreet
Hopkins • MN 55343
We cloth diaper! I use FuzziBunz and they work great. I highly recommend cloth diapering. Much cheaper (in the long run) and really not hard at all. Throw a load of laundry in every other day and that's about it. You don' t need to use diaper rash creams because they don't really get diaper rash with cloth diapers (and you shouldn't use it...at least not with fuzzibunz because it makes them less absorbent or something). Also...no icky chemicals on baby's butt! :)