After having such awful nausea for 10 DAYS, I informed DH this will be my 1 and only pregnancy!!!!! We will have to adopt the next 3 ;) Hehe But then I decided, maybe we should take things one child at a time.
My baby bump is beginning to make an appearance. How.Exciting!!! I can't wait for my big round belly! And I just feel like our little bean is nice and healthy in there. That's a good feeling.
After being SO convinced that we were pregnant with a boy, I am starting to toy with the idea that it might be a girl. I'm happy either way. Elated, actually :D
And, by request, here are some of my garage sale finds (the only productive thing I managed to accomplish last weekend) :)

Omg how cute brie! I love the bear sleeper. and that yellow one looks like ducks on the feet? And how cute is that lil stuffed animal (sp?)! Good finds :)