They are pretty expensive if you buy them for full price, but I have gone on a deal hunt, hoping to get them for fairly cheap. I found a couple of deals on the local craigslist and just joined the diaper swap on Baby Center. I'm so excited to get our first cloth diapers! I am also leaning toward getting prefolds. They seem to be the cheapest option, and they seem to be pretty easy too!!
(SabBuyNY @ Etsy)
We told our Bible study that we are pregnant last night! We are so thankful for their support and prayers. They are a wonderful group of people - We just love being around them!!!
Went to Lake Calhoun with MIL (mother-in-law), SIL and the girls she nannys, and Mike's cousin Leah (who is 8 months pregnant). We were hoping for a warm sunny day. Nope! Cold and cloudy and windy...so we left and went baby shopping :) MIL said FIL is telling everyone that he is going to be a grandpa (hahaha). They aren't supposed to tell anyone until at least our first Dr. appointment. I can't be mad though - I'm glad to see him so excited.
Well, it was nice to have the day off, but back to school (8AM-5PM) tomorrow, and then I have to work at the tanning salon on Friday - ick!!!!
Shopping find of the day (@Zulily.com):

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