Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Trip to the Park!

Something happened yesterday that hasn't happened in a long time... It was beautiful outside AND it was my Spring Break!!! I was a very lucky girl yesterday! It was a pretty busy day, but I enjoyed every moment of it :)

Lydia and I slept in until 10:30, then I dropped her off at daycare (I had a meeting at a dental office later in the afternoon). I met a great friend at Starbucks (my fave!) for coffee. We had some wonderful mama time, which in my opinion, can be grossly underrated! After coffee, I scoped out a prospective pediatric dental office to work at, then headed to my meeting at a dental office near my house. All this was done with sunglasses on and sunroof open. Fabulous.

Then it was time to truly enjoy the beautiful day! I picked up Lydia from daycare and we went for a long walk to the park. She wasn't completely sure about all the safety of the play set... We headed to the swings first. We started out in the bucket swing while she got used to the idea of playing at the park. Then we graduated to the baby swing that she could sit in by herself! She laughed and laughed! Then she got scared. Haha

She really wasn't sure about the slide. I think part of it was the two older kids that kept following us around and playing where we were. Do all kids do that? Personally I thought they were pretty rude. They kept running into Lydia when she was sitting on top of the slide (It was a double slide, so they were going down the other side). Then they decided they were going to occupy both sides of the slide. I just calmly told the little boy (8 years old?) that we were still using the slide and asked him to please move :) It was weird. Maybe I just don't understand children?

After all the playing (and fending off random children) we decided to relax and explore in the grass for a little while before we headed home.

It was such a beautiful day with my little Love Bug!


  1. I just can't even stand how dang cute she is! And I am so jealous that you had such a beautiful day to relax and chill, but you needed that!

  2. Hmmm this weather isn't helping my case for getting you to Guatemala....


Thoughts? Advice? Questions? :)