Thursday, July 29, 2010

It's Decided

The baby room paint is decided! I got the wonderful idea from a friend and Love it! Drum roll please..........Yellow and white stripes! Yay!!! They will be vertical and about 12 inches or so wide. I'm so excited to get the nursery set up! Really, really soon! We get our keys for our new place tomorrow and we're gonna go in and paint first and then move all our stuff in.

This whole moving thing is going to be much less stressful than our last moves in the sense that we have a whole month to switch places. But, on the other hand, we have to somehow (I really don't know how) come up with rent for BOTH places for the month of August. This could be quite the issue. So that is causing a little stress.

In other news...I am over the 3 month mark! Yay! I am starting to get used to this whole being pregnant thing. Everything is still growing at an alarming rate, which gets to me sometimes, but I am starting to get used to it. I am feeling great lately! Still pretty tired BUT even that is getting better. I exercised the last 2 days and it feels so good to get that back into my life.

My new business is getting off the ground. I have my debut party next week and I'm really excited about it! I am really hoping I am successful (whatever that means). I just don't want to fail. But I have high hopes and I think it will be really fun! :)

Ok, that's all...Pictures have been lacking due to my lack of baby shopping lately, but I will post pics of the nursery soon!

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