Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Appointment #2 - Hear the Heartbeat!

DH, Lydia and I just got back from our second pre-natal visit. Here is what we found out:

1. I gained 5 pounds since the last visit. Hmmm... Not exactly what I wanted to happen. And I am quickly remembering the frustration I felt the first time around. It seems like everything I eat just sticks to me. I eat frequently but they are small meals. I think the problem comes with the carbs. But they are the only thing that really sound good. Chicken doesn't sound that great. Neither do vegetables. They are great in soup though! Yuuummmm! Fruit sits well with me too. But fruit is basically all carbs/sugar (+ good nutrients). Then there is the exercise dilemma. I have been feeling way too awful to even consider exercising. But I am starting to feel better, so I need to start adding that into my daily routine again. Oh pregnancy.

2. One of the vials of blood they took at the last appointment broke. Which meant they needed to take blood again at this appointment. Not. Good. News. I got over it though. It wasn't toooo bad :)

3. I am not anemic (yet) this pregnancy. My hemoglobin levels were at 13.7. Anything above 11 is good. Yay!

4. The baby's heart rate was 172 bpm. I guess this is pretty high, but still normal. Lydia was 166 bpm at the 12 week appointment. Maybe means another girl? (I kinda hope so)

And that's about it for that appointment. Only 1 more appointment before we find out the sex of the baby!!! *Still 2 months away though :(

In other news...I have been stressing so much about our current financial situation. If you know me, this is very strange. I don't stress about much. And I don't know that I have ever stressed like this about money. We didn't realize how much we relied on living expenses from my student loans to make ends meet around here. Our eyes were quickly opened once that money wasn't coming in anymore. It took about 2 months for the "Oh crap!" mode to set in. Luckily, I will be starting a new job on Monday. It isn't in dentistry (and pays nowhere near what dentistry would pay), but it is a job. I will be transferring medical/optical information from paper charts to digital charts at an eye place. It is a full time/temporary position that goes through the fall. Pretty good timing. It would be best if it went to the end of the year, but beggars can't be choosers :) This should really help with the financial stressing and hopefully be enough that we are financially comfortable again. And ideally, fingers crossed, once the first of the year hits dental clinics will be ready to hire. Oh goodness, I hope this is true!

Lydia is going back to the daycare she was at previously - which we love! They are more expensive ($850/month) than another in-home daycare we visited, but I know she will be safe and enjoy her time there. And that, to me, is worth the extra $300/month.

Any finally (I was thinking this was going to be a quick post), Here are the pictures of the dresser we are working on for the baby room. I couldn't find a before picture of it before we started working on it, so this is our during picture with the top sanded and the drawers stripped...

And just for fun, Lydia picking flowers at Papa's softball game :)

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